hypoData_ts: A sample microarray data for detecting tissue-specific...

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A hypothetical micoarray data consisting of eight rows (genes) and ten columns (tissues). The expression patterns are quite similar to those in figure 1 in Kadota et al., 2006.




hypoData_ts is a matrix of dimension eight times ten.


The hypoData_ts is designed for explaining the performance of ROKU that identify tissue-specific expression patterns. The hypoData_ts contains a total of eight genes having various expression patterns across ten tissues: (1) 'up-type' genes selectively over-expressed in a small number of tissues but unexpressed ("gene1"), slightly expressed ("gene3"), and moderately expressed ("gene4"), (2) 'down-type' genes selectively under-expressed ("gene5"), and (3) 'mixed-type' genes selectively over- and under-expressed in some tissues ("gene6"). The other genes are not tissue-specific genes (i.e., "gene2", "gene7", and "gene8").


Kadota K, Ye J, Nakai Y, Terada T, Shimizu K: ROKU: a novel method for identification of tissue-specific genes. BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7: 294.



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