Man pages for TCGAutils
TCGA utility functions for data management

buildsUtilities for working with *HUMAN* genome builds
clinicalNamesClinical dataset names in TCGA
curatedTCGAData-helpersHelper functions for managing MultiAssayExperiment from...
diseaseCodesTCGA Cancer Disease Codes Table
findGRangesColsObtain minimum necessary names for the creation of a...
generateMapCreate a sampleMap from an experiment list and phenoData...
getFileNameFind the file names used in RTCGAToolbox
hidden-helpersA small document for helper functions
ID-translationTranslate study identifiers from barcode to UUID and vice...
imputeAssayThis function imputes assays values inside a...
makeGRangesListFromCopyNumberMake a GRangesList from TCGA Copy Number data
makeGRangesListFromExonFilesRead Exon level files and create a GRangesList
makeSummarizedExperimentFromGISTICCreate a SummarizedExperiment from FireHose GISTIC
mergeColDataTake a MultiAssayExperiment and include curated variables
oncoPrintTCGAOncoPrint for TCGA Mutation Assays
sampleTypesBarcode Sample Type Table
simplifyTCGAFunctions to convert rows annotations to ranges and...
TCGAbarcodeParse data from TCGA barcode
TCGAbiospecExtract biospecimen data from the TCGA barcode
TCGAprimaryTumorsSelect primary tumors from TCGA datasets
TCGAsampleSelectSelect samples from barcodes from lookup table
TCGAutils-packageTCGAutils: Helper functions for working with TCGA and...
trimColDataMinimize the number of variables in colData
TCGAutils documentation built on April 17, 2021, 6:04 p.m.