baseline: Baseline correction - wrapper function

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also

View source: R/baseline.R


This function perform baseline correction by wrapping around the methods implemented on baselineCorrection and baselineCorrectionQuant.


    baseline(ncdf, bsline_method = c('classic', 'quantiles', 'none'), ...)



A list containing the raw chromatogram data. The list can be generated by peakCDFextraction. Expected elements are "Peaks" which is matrix of intensities where the rows are retention times and columns are mass traces, "Time" which is a vector of retention time in seconds.


A string to select the baseline retention method. Options are "classic" which implements Chang's method (the old or classic TargetSearch method), "quantiles" the quantiles based method, and "none" which does nothing (returns the same input).


Extra parameters to be passed to baselineCorrection or baselineCorrectionQuant



This is a wrapper function around the different baseline correction algorithms. It is not intended to be executed by the average user. Please refer to the respective man pages for details.


Returns a list with the same elements as the the input, but the element "Peaks" containing baseline corrected values.


Alvaro Cuadros-Inostroza

See Also

RIcorrect, baselineCorrection, baselineCorrectionQuant

TargetSearch documentation built on March 12, 2021, 2 a.m.