
Defines functions plotFeature

Documented in plotFeature

#' @title Plot features of interest

#' @description plot each feature with (or without) the fitted trend.

#' @inheritParams trendy
#' @param featureNames a list of genes or features to plot
#' @param showFit whether to plot the segmented regression 
#'  fitting (default is TRUE)
#' @param simple if TRUE the plot will not highlight the breakpoints and segments 
#' and will only display a black fitted line. (default is FALSE)
#' @param showLegend if TRUE and simple=FALSE then a legend will be output (default = TRUE)
#' @param trendyOutData segmented regression fitting result from 
#'  running trendy(); if showFit is TRUE and trendyOutData is NULL, then the
#'  segmented regression will be fit for each of the genes and it may 
#'  take longer to run
#' @param cexLegend cex option for sizing of legend text, default is 1.
#' @param legendLocation whether to place the legend to the right 'side' of each plot or at the 'bottom' of a multo-panelled plot (default is 'side').
#' @param xlab x-axis name
#' @param ylab y-axis name
#' @param segColors define colors for the 'breakpoint', and 'up', 'same', 'down' segments (default: segColors = 	c("chartreuse3", "coral1", "black", "cornflowerblue"))
#' @param customTitle default is set the plot title as the name of the feature. Otherwise this should be a named vector, 
#'    with the featureName as the name and the element as the desired plot title. (i.e. customTitle <- c("MyTitle" = gene1)).
#' @param customLabels.x specify x-axis tick labels instead of using the default values from tVectIn.
#' @param spacing.x specify x-axis tick spacing, smaller values give more tick marks.

#' @return plot of gene expression and fitted line
#' @examples 
#'  d1 <- matrix(c(c(rnorm(50,5,1),sort(rnorm(50, 15, 5))), rnorm(100, 50,10)), 2, 100, TRUE)
#'  rownames(d1) <- c("g1","g2")
#'  colnames(d1) <- paste0("time", seq_len(100))
#'  plotFeature(d1, featureNames=c("g1","g2"))
#' @author Ning Leng and Rhonda Bacher
#' @import graphics
#' @import grDevices
#' @inheritParams trendy
#' @export
plotFeature <- 
    function(Data, tVectIn = NULL, featureNames, showFit = TRUE, simple=FALSE,
				showLegend = TRUE, trendyOutData = NULL, cexLegend=1, 
				legendLocation = "side",
				xlab = "Time", 
				ylab = "Normalized Expression",
				segColors = c("chartreuse3", "coral1", "black", "cornflowerblue"),
				customTitle= NULL, customLabels.x=NULL, spacing.x=NULL) 

    if (methods::is(Data, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
        if (is.null( SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(Data)) || 
        SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(Data)[1] != "Counts") {
            message("renaming the first element in assays(Data) to 'Counts'")
            SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(Data)[1] <- "Counts"
        Data = Trendy::getCounts(Data)
    if (!(methods::is(Data, "SummarizedExperiment"))) {
        Data <- data.matrix(Data)
    if (anyNA(Data)) {stop("Data contains at least one 
        value of NA. Unsure how to proceed.")}
    NSample <- ncol(Data)
    if (is.null(tVectIn)) {
        warning(paste0("No values for parameter tVectIn was given. 
        Trendy will assume data goes from 1:",NSample))
        tVectIn <- seq_len(NSample)
        names(tVectIn) <- colnames(Data)
    if (is.null(names(tVectIn))) {
        names(tVectIn) <- colnames(Data)
	origMF <- par()
	par(mfrow = origMF$mfrow, mar=c(5,4,2,1))
	if (simple == FALSE & showLegend == TRUE) {
	  if(legendLocation == 'side') {
		par(mar = c(5,4,2,8), mfrow = origMF$mfrow)
	  if(legendLocation == 'bottom') {
	    par(oma = c(2,.5, .5, .5), mar=c(5,4,2,1), mfrow = origMF$mfrow)
  if(is.null(spacing.x)) {
    spacing.x <- sd(tVectIn)
    ignoreOUT <- lapply(featureNames, function(x) {
        if (is.null(customTitle)) {
        	customTitle = x; names(customTitle) <- x
				if (showFit==FALSE) {
		        	plot(tVectIn, Data[x,], pch = 20,
		            		main = customTitle[x], ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab)
        if (showFit==TRUE){
            if (is.null(trendyOutData)) {tmp.fit <- fitSegBIC(Data = Data[x,],
            if (!is.null(trendyOutData)) {tmp.fit <- trendyOutData[[x]]}
						if (simple==TRUE) {
			        		plot(tVectIn, Data[x,], pch = 20,
			            		main = customTitle[x], ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab)
							lines(tVectIn, tmp.fit$Fitted.Values, lwd = 2)
						} else {
							plot(tVectIn, Data[x,], pch = 20, col = "#696969", main = customTitle[x], 
										ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, xaxt = 'n')
							axis(1, at=round(seq(min(tVectIn),max(tVectIn),spacing.x)), labels = customLabels.x)
              toplot <- which(!duplicated(tVectIn))
              lines(tVectIn[toplot], tmp.fit$Fitted.Values[toplot],lwd = 3, col="#ededed")
							abline(v = tmp.fit$Breakpoints, lty = 2, lwd = 3, col=segColors[1])
							ID <- tmp.fit$Trends
							FIT <- tmp.fit$Fitted.Values
							BKS <- c(0, tmp.fit$Breakpoints, max(tVectIn))
							if (length(BKS) > 3 | (length(BKS) == 3 & !is.na(BKS[2]))) {
							   for (i in seq_len(length(BKS) - 1)) {
                                   toCol <- which(tVectIn <= BKS[i + 1] & tVectIn >= BKS[i])
                                   while (length(unique(tVectIn[toCol]))<2) {
                                       if (rev(toCol)[1] < length(tVectIn)) {
                                           toCol <- c(toCol, rev(toCol)[1] + 1)
                                       } else {
                                           toCol <- c((toCol[1] - 1), toCol)
								   forCol <- which(tVectIn <= BKS[i + 1] & tVectIn > BKS[i])
								   IDseg <- ID[toCol]
								   useCol <- switch(names(which.max(table(ID[forCol]))), 
								                    `0` = segColors[3], 
													`-1` = segColors[4], 
								                    `1` = segColors[2])
                                tvect.seg <- tVectIn[toCol]
                                fit.seg <- FIT[toCol]
                                toplot <- which(!duplicated(tvect.seg))
                                toplot <- toplot[c(1, length(toplot))]
                                lines(tvect.seg[toplot], fit.seg[toplot], lwd = 5, col = useCol)
						 	} else {
							   IDseg <- ID[1]
						       useCol <- switch(names(which.max(table(IDseg))), 
						       "0" = segColors[3], 
						       "-1" = segColors[4], 
						       "1" = segColors[2])
                               toplot <- which(!duplicated(tVectIn))
							   lines(tVectIn[toplot], tmp.fit$Fitted.Values[toplot], lwd = 5, col=useCol)
						   if(simple == FALSE & showLegend == TRUE & legendLocation=='side') {
							   LEFT = max(tVectIn) + .05*max(tVectIn)
							   TOP = max(Data[x,]) + .01*max(Data[x,])
							   BOTTOM = seq(min(Data[x,]), max(Data[x,]), length.out = 10)[8]
							   legend(LEFT, TOP, c("Breakpoint"), xpd = TRUE, horiz = FALSE,
							          inset = c(.02,0), bty = "n", lty = c(2, 1, 1, 1),
							          lwd = c(3,5,5,5),
							          col = segColors[1], cex = cexLegend)

							    legend(LEFT,BOTTOM, c("Up", "No change", "Down"), xpd = TRUE,
							           horiz = FALSE,
							           bty = "n", title = "Segment trend:",
							           lty = c(1, 1, 1),
							           lwd = c(5,5,5),
							           col = segColors[2:4], cex = cexLegend)
   if (simple == FALSE & showLegend == TRUE & legendLocation=='bottom') {
	      par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), 
	          mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), new = TRUE)
	      plot(0, 0, type = "n", bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
	      legend('bottom', xpd = NA, 
	             c("Breakpoint", "Up", "No change", "Down"), 
	             horiz = TRUE, 
	             bty = "n", lty = c(2, 1, 1, 1), 
	             lwd = c(3,5,5,5), cex=cexLegend, seg.len = 2, 
	             col = segColors)

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Trendy documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:10 p.m.