
Defines functions .filter .prefilter .unlistScan

setMethod("filterVcf", "character",
    function(file, genome, destination, ..., verbose=TRUE,
             index=FALSE, prefilters=FilterRules(),
             filters=FilterRules(), param=ScanVcfParam())
   if (file.exists(destination))
        stop(sprintf("file '%s' exists and will not be over-written", 

    tbx <- open(TabixFile(file, yieldSize=100000))

    filterVcf(tbx, genome=genome, destination=destination, ...,
              verbose=verbose, index=index, prefilters=prefilters,
              filters=filters, param=param)

.unlistScan <- function(...)
    unlist(scanTabix(...), use.names=FALSE)

.prefilter <-
    function(tbxFile, verbose, prefilters, param, ...)
    if (verbose)
        message("starting prefilter")
    if (length(vcfWhich(param))) {
        warning("vcfWhich(param) ignored when using prefilter")
        vcfWhich(param) <- GRanges()
    if (!isOpen(tbxFile)) {
        on.exit(close(tbxFile), add=TRUE)

    prefilteredFilename <- tempfile()
    prefiltered <- file(prefilteredFilename, "w")
    needsClosing <- TRUE
    on.exit(if (needsClosing) close(prefiltered), add=TRUE)
    ## copy header
    writeLines(headerTabix(tbxFile)$header, prefiltered)

    ## prefilter
    param <- vcfWhich(param)
    nTotal <- 0L
    while (length(tbxChunk <- .unlistScan(tbxFile, ..., param=param))) {
        if (verbose)
            message("prefiltering ", nTotal <- nTotal + length(tbxChunk),
                    " records")
        tbxChunk <- subsetByFilter(tbxChunk, prefilters)
        writeLines(tbxChunk, prefiltered)
    needsClosing <- FALSE


.filter <-
    function(tbxFile, genome, destination, verbose, filters, param, ...)
    if (verbose)
        message("starting filter")
    destfile <- file(destination, open="w")
    on.exit(close(destfile), add=TRUE)
    ## param with defined ranges -> read all
    if (length(vcfWhich(param))) {
        yieldSize(tbxFile) <- NA_integer_ 
        vcfChunk <- readVcf(tbxFile, genome, ..., param=param)
        if (verbose)
            message("filtering ", nrow(vcfChunk), " records")
        vcfChunk <- subsetByFilter(vcfChunk, filters)
        writeVcf(vcfChunk, destfile)
    ## param with all ranges -> iterate by yieldSize
    } else {
        if (!isOpen(tbxFile)) {
            on.exit(close(tbxFile), add=TRUE)
        nTotal <- 0L
        while (nrow(vcfChunk <- readVcf(tbxFile, genome, ..., param=param))) {
            if (verbose)
                message("filtering ", nTotal <- nTotal + nrow(vcfChunk),
                        " records")
            vcfChunk <- subsetByFilter(vcfChunk, filters)
            writeVcf(vcfChunk, destfile)

    if (verbose)
        message("completed filtering")

setMethod("filterVcf", "TabixFile",
    function(file, genome, destination, ..., verbose = TRUE,
             index = FALSE,
             prefilters = FilterRules(), filters = FilterRules(),
             param = ScanVcfParam())
    if (!isSingleString(destination))
        stop("'destination' must be character(1)")
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(verbose))
        stop("'verbose' must be TRUE or FALSE")
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(index))
        stop("'index' must be TRUE or FALSE")

    if (!length(prefilters) && !length(filters))
        stop("no 'prefilters' or 'filters' specified")

    if (length(prefilters)) {
        yieldSize <- yieldSize(file)
        file <- .prefilter(file, verbose, prefilters, param, ...)
            message(sprintf("prefiltered to %s", file))
        if (length(filters)) {
            ## TabixFile needs to be bgzipped and indexed
            ## FIXME: all records are read at next stage, so no need to index?
            if (verbose)
                message("prefilter compressing and indexing ", sQuote(file))
            gzFilename <- bgzip(file, overwrite = TRUE)
            indexTabix(gzFilename, format = "vcf4")
            file <- TabixFile(gzFilename, yieldSize=yieldSize)
        } else {
            ## file.rename does not work across file systems, so be expensive
            file.copy(file, destination)

    if (length(filters)) {
        file <- .filter(file, genome, destination, verbose, filters,
                        param, ...)
        } # if filters
    if (index) {
        if (verbose)
            message("compressing and indexing ", sQuote(file))
        gzFilename <- sprintf("%s.bgz", destination)
        gzFilename <- bgzip(file, gzFilename, overwrite = TRUE)
        destination <- indexTabix(gzFilename, format = "vcf")


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VariantAnnotation documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:08 p.m.