bigmemoryExtras: An extension of the bigmemory package with added safety, convenience, and a factor class

This package defines a "BigMatrix" ReferenceClass which adds safety and convenience features to the filebacked.big.matrix class from the bigmemory package. BigMatrix protects against segfaults by monitoring and gracefully restoring the connection to on-disk data and it also protects against accidental data modification with a filesystem-based permissions system. We provide utilities for using BigMatrix-derived classes as assayData matrices within the Biobase package's eSet family of classes. BigMatrix provides some optimizations related to attaching to, and indexing into, file-backed matrices with dimnames. Additionally, the package provides a "BigMatrixFactor" class, a file-backed matrix with factor properties.

Package details

AuthorPeter M. Haverty
Bioconductor views DataRepresentation Infrastructure
MaintainerPeter M. Haverty <>
Package repositoryView on Bioconductor
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


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bigmemoryExtras documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:17 p.m.