Man pages for chroGPS
chroGPS2: Generation, visualization and differential analysis of epigenome maps

addVarPlot vector of a quantitative variable over a MDS map.
adjustPeaksAdjust peak width so that samples obtained under different...
bg3Sample binding site and related data from BG3 cell line in...
boostMDSImprove goodness-of-fit of a given MDS solution in terms of...
clusGPSComputation of cluster density estimates for cluster contour...
clusGPS-classClass '"clusGPS"'
combineGenesMatrixCombine two datasets with epigenetic factor profiles at gene...
diffFactorsPerforms differential analysis of chroGPS-factors maps based...
diffGenesPerforms differential analysis of chroGPS-genes maps based on...
distGPSCompute matrix with pairwise distances between objects....
distGPS-classClass '"distGPS"'
domainDistOverview of intra and inter-domain distances.
geneSetGPSHighlight point (gene) position over a Multi-dimensional...
getURLRetrieve file from URL.
gff2RDListRetrieve binding site information from GFF3 files.
gps2xgmmlExport an 'mds' object to Cytoscape .xgmml format
mdsMetric and non-metric Multidimensional Scaling for a distGPS...
mds-classClass '"mds"'
mergeClustersUnsupervised cluster merging based on their observed overlap...
mergeReplicatesMerges information from epigenetic replicates at factor, gene...
procrustesAdjUse Procrustes to adjust an MDS map containing samples...
profileClustersAssess epigenetic profiles for genes present in each cluster...
rankFactorsbyDomainFunction to help selecting candidate epigenetic factors based...
rankFactorsbyProfileFunction to help selecting candidate epigenetic factors based...
s2Sample binding site and related data from S2 and BG3 cell...
splitDistGPS-classClass '"splitDistGPS"'
chroGPS documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 4:52 a.m.