Man pages for compartmap
A/B compartment inference from ATAC-seq and methylation array data Illumina 450k methylation array data for compartmap ATAC-seq data for compartmap
fisherZFisher's Z transformation
getABSignalCalculate Pearson correlations of smoothed eigenvectors
getArrayABsignalEstimate A/B compartments from methylation array data
getATACABsignalEstimate A/B compartments from ATAC-seq data
getBinMatrixGenerate bins for A/B compartment estimation
getCompartmentsEstimate A/B compartments
getCorMatrixCalculate Pearson correlations of a binned matrix
ifisherZFisher's Z transformation
plotABPlots A/B compartment estimates on a per chromosome basis
compartmap documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:34 p.m.