Man pages for dearseq
Differential Expression Analysis for RNA-seq data through a robust variance component test

baduel_5gsSmall portion of RNA-seq data from plant physiology study.
dear_seqDifferential expression analyis of RNA-seq data through a...
dearseq-packagedearseq: Differential Expression Analysis for RNA-seq data...
dgsa_seqTime-course Gene Set Analysis
grapes-pow-grapesPower for covaroances matrices
PBT_gmtPBT gene sets related to kidney transplant
perm_peExact permutation p-values
plot_weightsPlotting mean-variance fit for precision weights estimation
sp_weightsNon parametric local heteroscedasticity weights
vc_scoreComputes variance component test statistic for longitudinal
vc_score_hComputes variance component test statistic for homogeneous...
vc_score_h_permComputes variance component test statistic for homogeneous...
vc_score_permComputes variance component test statistic and its permuted...
vc_test_asymComputes variance component test statistic for longitudinal
vc_test_permPermutation-based variance component test statistic
voom_weightsPrecision weights accounting for heteroscedasticity in...
dearseq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:49 p.m.