dearseq-package: dearseq: Differential Expression Analysis for RNA-seq data...

Description Details Author(s) References See Also



Differential Expression Analysis RNA-seq data with variance component score test accounting for data heteroscedasticity through precision weights. Perform both gene-wise and gene set analyses, and can deal with repeated or longitudinal data. Methods are detailed in: Agniel D & Hejblum BP (2017) Variance component score test for time-course gene set analysis of longitudinal RNA-seq data, Biostatistics, 18(4):589-604. and Gauthier M, Agniel D, Thiébaut R & Hejblum BP (2019). dearseq: a variance component score test for RNA-Seq differential analysis that effectively controls the false discovery rate, *bioRxiv* 635714.


Analysis of RNA-seq data with variance component score test accounting for data heteroscedasticity through precision weights. Performs gene-wise analysis as well as gene set analysis, including for complex experimental designs such as longitudinal data.

Package: dearseq
Type: Package
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2020-04-04
License: GPL-2

The two main functions of the dearseq package are dear_seq and dgsa_seq.


Maintainer: Boris P. Hejblum



Agniel D & Hejblum BP (2017). Variance component score test for time-course gene set analysis of longitudinal RNA-seq data, Biostatistics, 18(4):589-604. DOI: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxx005. arXiv:1605.02351.

Gauthier M, Agniel D, Thiébaut R & Hejblum BP (2019). dearseq: a variance component score test for RNA-Seq differential analysis that effectively controls the false discovery rate, 635714. DOI: 10.1101/635714v1

See Also

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dearseq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:49 p.m.