
Defines functions .compute_nbdeviance nbinomUnitDeviance nbinomDeviance

Documented in nbinomDeviance nbinomUnitDeviance

nbinomDeviance <- function(y,mean,dispersion=0,weights=NULL)
#	Residual deviances for row-wise negative binomial glms.
#	y is a matrix and a deviance is computed for each row.
#	A vector y is taken to be a matrix with one row; in this case mean and dispersion must also be vectors.
#	Original version (deviances.function) 23 November 2010.
#	Renamed to nbinomDeviance 9 Dec 2013.
#	Last modified 21 June 2017.
	out <- .compute_nbdeviance(y=y, mean=mean, dispersion=dispersion, weights=weights, dosum=TRUE)
	names(out) <- rownames(y)

nbinomUnitDeviance <- function(y,mean,dispersion=0) 
#	Unit deviance for the negative binomial distribution.
#	Created 9 Dec 2013. Last modified 18 Mar 2018.
	y[] <- .compute_nbdeviance(y=y, mean=mean, dispersion=dispersion, weights=NULL, dosum=FALSE)

.compute_nbdeviance <- function(y, mean, dispersion, weights, dosum)
#	Created 3 Oct 2016.
#	Last modified 27 Apr 2018.
#	Check y. May be matrix or vector.
	if(is.matrix(y)) {
		if(!is.matrix(mean)) stop("y is a matrix but mean is not")
	} else {
		n <- length(y)
		y <- matrix(y,1L,n)
		if(is.matrix(mean)) {
			stop("mean is a matrix but y is not")
		} else {
			if(length(mean)==n || length(mean==1L)) {
				mean <- matrix(mean,1L,n)
			} else {
				stop("length of mean differs from that of y")
		if(is.matrix(dispersion)) {
			stop("dispersion is a matrix but y is not")
		} else {
			if(length(dispersion)==n || length(dispersion==1L)) {
				dispersion <- matrix(dispersion,1L,n)
			} else {
				stop("length of dispersion differs from that of y")

#	Check mean
	if(!identical(dim(y),dim(mean))) stop("mean should have same dimensions as y")
	if(!is.double(mean)) storage.mode(mean) <- "double"

#	Check dispersion (can be tagwise (rowwise) or observation-wise).
	dispersion <- .compressDispersions(y, dispersion)

#	Check weights.
	weights <- .compressWeights(y, weights)

#	Compute matrix of unit deviances, or residual deviance per gene, depending on 'dosum'.
	.Call(.cxx_compute_nbdev, y, mean, dispersion, weights, as.logical(dosum))

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