Man pages for farms
FARMS - Factor Analysis for Robust Microarray Summarization

dummyExample cdfenv
expFarmsFactor Analysis for Robust Microarray Summarization
generateExprVal.method.farmsGenerate an expression value from the probes informations
getI_Eset-methodsMethod to generate an ExpressionSet of informative genes
getI_ProbeSets-methodsMethod to generate a vector of informative probe set names
getNI_Eset-methodsMethod to generate an ExpressionSet of non-informative genes
getNI_ProbeSets-methodsMethod to generate a vector of non-informative probe set...
INI_Calls-classClass INI_Calls
INIcalls-methodsDimension reduction based on informative genes
lFarmslFarms expression measure
plot-methodsVisualizes the distribution of informative and...
qFarmsqFarms expression measure
summary-methodsSummary of I/NI-calls
testAffyBatchAffyBatch instance testAffyBatch
farms documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:08 p.m.