Man pages for flowMatch
Matching and meta-clustering in flow cytometry

Cluster-classCluster: A class representing a cell population in FC
ClusteredSample-classClusteredSample: A class representing a clustered FC Sample
ClusterMatch-classClusterMatch: A class representing matching of...
create.templateCreating a template of a collection of FC samples
dist.clusterDissimilarity between a pair of clusters
dist.matrixDissimilarity matrix between each pair of...
dist.sampleDissimilarity between a pair of clustered FC samples
dist.templateDissimilarity between a pair of FC templates
flowMatch-packageMatching cell populations and building meta-clusters and...
mahalanobis.distMahanalobis Distance
match.clustersMatching of clusters/meta-clusters across FC...
MetaCluster-classMetaCluster: An S4 class representing a meta-cluster...
symmetric.KLSymmetrized Kullback-Leibler divergence
Template-classTemplate: An S4 class representing a template of a group of...
template.treePlot the hierarchy of samples established while creating a...
flowMatch documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:02 p.m.