genepos: Gene position data frame

Description Format Source Examples


A data frame specifying the genomic locations of each gene/probe needs to be prepared with the following columns: gene name, chromosome number, start location (in base pairs) and the location (in base pairs).


A data frame with 1000 observations with the following columns: gene name, chromosome number, start location (in base pairs) and the location (in base pairs).


This example uses data generated by Williams and Lu, as available from the Gene Networkwebsite ( This dataset comprises the profiles of mRNA abundance in whole eye tissue from n = 68 BXD RIS mice, as measured using Affymetrix M430 2.0 microarrays. To ease calculation and facilitate comparisons, we will use a set of G = 1000 probes



iBMQ documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:04 p.m.