Man pages for ibh
Interaction Based Homogeneity for Evaluating Gene Lists

findEntryFind the index of an entry in an interaction list
ibhCalculate interaction based homogeneity for the given gene...
ibhBioGRIDCalculate interaction based homogeneity for a gene list...
ibhClusterEvalEvaluate clustering with interaction based homogeneity
ibhClusterEvalBioGRIDEvaluate clustering with interaction based homogeneity using...
ibhForMultipleGeneListsCalculate interaction based homogeneity for multiple gene...
ibhForMultipleGeneListsBioGRIDCalculate interaction based homogeneity for multiple gene...
ibh-packageInteraction Based Homogeneity
readDirectedInteractionsFromCsvRead directed interactions from csv and create the...
readUndirectedInteractionsFromCsvRead undirected interactions from csv and create the...
ibh documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:49 p.m.