
Defines functions updateBody makeButtons makeBody

## Store windows for gWidgets

## require(proto)
## require(gWidgets)
## options("guiToolkit"="RGtk2")
## source("~/pmg/pmg/R/BasicWidgets.R")

## the windowcollector is a place to organize windows within pmg
## methods
## new -- returns a new window
## getWindow(ID) -- returns the window with ID
## delete(win,[ID]) -- delete that window
## register(win) -- register window. Done by new()
## show() -- show the table with the windows. Double clicking an entry raises the window. SHould have a way to delete the window.

winCollector = BasicGUI$new("message"="Open windows")
winCollector$makeBody = function(.,container) {
  g = ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, cont=container, expand=TRUE)
  glabel("window list", cont=g)
  .$tbl <- gtable(.$summary(), chosencol=2,cont = g, expand=TRUE)
  ## add stuff, handlers buttons
  ## double click -- raise
  addHandlerDoubleclick(.$tbl, function(h,...) {
    ID = svalue(h$obj)
    if(length(ID) == 0) return(TRUE)
    w <- .$getWindow(ID)
    focus(w) <- TRUE
winCollector$makeButtons = function(.,container) {
  bg = ggroup(cont=container)
  gbutton("cancel",cont=bg, handler = function(h,...) dispose(.$window))
  gbutton("Raise", cont=bg, handler = function(h,...) {
    ID = svalue(.$tbl)
    if(length(ID) == 0) return(TRUE)    
    w = .$getWindow(ID)
    focus(w) <- TRUE
  gbutton("Delete window", cont=bg, handler= function(h,...) {
    ID = svalue(.$tbl)
    if(length(ID) == 0) return(TRUE)    
    w = .$getWindow(ID)
winCollector$updateBody = function(.) {
  ## check that it is visible
    .$tbl[,] <- .$summary()

winCollector$ctr = 0                    # for the ID
winCollector$list = list()              # stores windows
winCollector$register = function(.,win) {    # register a window
  if(!.$isVisible(win)) return(NA)
  if(!is.null(tag(win,"wcID"))) {
    ## already added

  .$ctr = .$ctr + 1
  ID = as.character(.$ctr )
  tag(win,"wcID") <- ID
  .$list[[ID]] <- win
## delete from list, dispose is separate
winCollector$delete = function(.,win,ID=NULL) { # delete window from list
    ID = tag(win,"wcID")
  if(is.null(ID)) {
    cat("Window not among list\n")
  win = .$list[[ID]]
  .$list[[ID]] <- NULL

  if(.$isVisible(win)) dispose(win)

winCollector$summary = function(.) { ## return df with window names
  if(length(.$list) > 0) {
    d = data.frame(title = sapply(.$list,svalue),
      ID = sapply(.$list,function(o) tag(o,"wcID")),
    d = d[sapply(d[,2],function(ID) .$isVisible(.$getWindow(ID))),]
  } else {
    d = data.frame(title = c(""), ID = "", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

## new window, added to 
winCollector$new = function(.,...) {
  w <- gwindow(...)
  ID <- .$register(w)
  addHandlerUnrealize(w,action=ID, handler = function(h,...) {
  addhandlerdestroy(w, action=ID, handler = function(h,...) {
  return(w)                             # return window
## get window From ID
winCollector$getWindow = function(.,ID) {
  if(length(ID) == 0 || is.na(ID) || is.null(ID) )

## closeAll
winCollector$closeAll = function(.) {
  ID = tag(.$window,"wcID")
  d = .$summary
  sapply(d$ID, function(i) .$delete(i))

## give a shorter name
pmgWC = winCollector

Try the mcaGUI package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

mcaGUI documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:52 p.m.