Defines functions CPD

Documented in CPD

#' CPD
#' Spearman correlation between pairwise distances in the original data and imputed data.
#' CPD quantifies preservation of the global structure after imputation.
#' Requires complete datasets - for developers/use in benchmark studies only.
#' @param xorigin numeric matrix. The original log-intensity data. Can not contain missing values.
#' @param ximputed numeric matrix. The imputed log-intensity data. Can not contain missing values.
#' @return numeric
#' @examples
#' data(pxd007959)
#' y <- pxd007959$y
#' y <- y[complete.cases(y),]
#' # for demonstration we use same y for xorigin and ximputed
#' CPD(y, y)
#' @importFrom stats cor dist
#' @export
CPD <- function(xorigin, ximputed){
             y = as.numeric(dist(t(ximputed))),
             method = "spearman"))

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msImpute documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:26 p.m.