rnaseqcomp-class: rnaseqcomp



This is a S4 class to organize data ready for benchmark summarization. There are 5 S3 objects inside this class. quantData documents a list of data matrices ready for evaluation by functions plotSD, plotNE, plot2TX or plotROC. condInfo is a factor corresponding to columns of quantData matrices, indicating to which cell lines each sample belongs. repInfo is a factor corresponding to columns of quantData matrices indicating replicate information. repInfo is a legacy from previous versions, and doesn't have too much meanings in current version. refMed is the median log2 signal of calibration references. scaler is a number that point to the median log2 signal of reference pipeline. refMed and scaler were used to calibrate and generate quantData.

rnaseqcomp documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:04 p.m.