Man pages for sSeq
Shrinkage estimation of dispersion in Negative Binomial models for RNA-seq experiments with small sample size

countsTableAn Example Simulation Data
drawMA_volDraw MA Plot and Volcano Plot
ecdfAUCDraw Empirical Cumulative Density Function (ECDF) plot
equalSpaceCalculate Grouped Shrinkage Estimates
exactNBtest1Perform only one exact test under the Negative Binomial...
getAdjustDispCalculate Shrinkage (SH) Estimates for Dispersion
getNormFactorEstimate size factors
getQEstimate the shrinkage target based on the quantiles of...
getTEstimate the shrinkage target based on the initial estimates
getTgroupThis is an internal function used to calculate the shrinkage...
Hammer2monthsAn example of real experiment.
nbinomTestForMatricesSHExact test under Negative Binomial Test with Shrinkage...
nbTestSHDifferential Analysis based on RNA-seq experiments using...
plotDispersionDrawing Dispersion-Mean plot.
rnbinomMVRandomly Generate Negative Binomial Variable with parameters...
rowVarsCalculating the sample variance within each row of A matrix
simGenerating Simulated Data
sSeq-packageShrinkage estimation of dispersion in Negative Binomial...
SultanAn example of real experiment.
TuchAn example of real experiment.
sSeq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:52 p.m.