Man pages for scFeatureFilter
A correlation-based method for quality filtering of single-cell RNAseq data

bin_scdataBin genes by mean expression.
calculate_cvsCompute mean expression level, standard deviation and...
correlate_windowsCalculate correlations against top window.
correlations_to_densitiesTransform the correlation table to density distributions of...
define_top_genesDefine the reference window using the most highly expressed...
determine_bin_cutoffDetermine a threshold for selecting bins of features based on...
filter_expression_tableFilter binned expression matrix
get_mean_medianExtract mean and median correlation coefficient values
plot_correlations_distributionsProduce a density plot of correlation values for each window...
plot_mean_varianceProduce a mean expression x coefficient of variation scatter...
plot_metricProduce a bar chart of mean (or median) correlation...
plot_top_window_autocorUtility plot to choose a top_window size
scData_hESCExpression data from 32 human embryonic stem cells
sc_feature_filterFilter scRNA-seq expression matrix to keep only highly...
scFeatureFilter documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:49 p.m.