Man pages for scRepertoire
A toolkit for single-cell immune receptor profiling

abundanceContigDemonstrate the relative abundance of clonotypes by group or...
addVariableAdding variables after the combination of contigs.
alluvialClonotypesExploring interaction of clonotypes by seurat or SCE dynamics
clonalDiversityExamine the clonal diversity of samples
clonalHomeostasisExamining the clonal homeostasis
clonalOverlapExamining the clonal overlap between groups or samples
clonalProportionExamining the clonal space occupied by specific clonotypes
clonesizeDistributionHierarchical clustering of clonotypes on clonotype size and...
combineBCRCombining the list of B Cell Receptor contigs
combineExpressionAdding clonotype information to a seurat or SCE object
combineTCRCombining the list of T Cell Receptor contigs
compareClonotypesDemonstrate the difference in clonal proportion between...
contig_listA data set of T cell contigs as a list outputed from the...
expression2ListAllows users to take the meta data in seurat/SCE and place it...
getCirclizeGenerate data frame to be used with circlize R package to...
highlightClonotypesHighlighting specific clonotypes in Seurat
lengthContigDemonstrate the distribution of lengths filtered contigs.
occupiedscRepertoireVisualize the number of single cells with clonotype...
quantContigQuantify the unique clonotypes in the filtered contigs.
screp_exampleA seurat object of 1000 single T cells derived from 3 clear...
stripBarcodeRemoving any additional prefixes to the barcodes of filtered...
subsetContigSubset the product of combineTCR() combineBCR() or...
vizVgenesVisualizing the distribution of TCR V gene usage
scRepertoire documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7 p.m.