Man pages for scp
Mass Spectrometry-Based Single-Cell Proteomics Data Analysis

aggregateFeaturesOverAssaysAggregate features over multiple assays
computeFDRCompute FDR from posterior error probabilities PEP
computeMedianCVCompute the median coefficient of variation (CV) per cell
computeSCRCompute the sample over carrier ratio (SCR)
divideByReferenceDivide assay columns by a reference column
mqScpDataExample MaxQuant/SCoPE2 output
readSCPRead single-cell proteomics data as a QFeatures object from...
readSingleCellExperimentRead SingleCellExperiment from tabular data
rowDataToDFExtract the 'rowData' of a 'QFeatures' object to a...
sampleAnnotationSingle cell sample annotation
scp1Single Cell QFeatures data
transferColDataToAssayTransfer the 'colData' to an Assay
scp documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:20 p.m.