mqScpData: Example MaxQuant/SCoPE2 output

Description Usage Format Details See Also


A data.frame with 1088 observations and 139 variables, as produced by reading a MaxQuant output file with read.delim().




An object of class data.frame with 1197 rows and 139 columns.


The dataset is a subset of the SCoPE2 dataset (version 2, Specht et al. 2019, BioRXiv). The input file evidence_unfiltered.csv was downloaded from a Google Drive repository. The MaxQuant evidence file was loaded and the data was cleaned (renaming columns, removing duplicate fields,...). MS runs that were selected in the scp1 dataset (see ?scp1) were kept along with a blank run. The data is stored as a data.frame.

See Also

readSCP() for an example on how mqScpData is parsed into a QFeatures object.

scp documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:20 p.m.