Man pages for seqCNA
Copy number analysis of high-throughput sequencing cancer data

applyFiltersThe function applies a set of filters to the raw profile.
applyThresholdsApply thresholds on the segmented profile in order to call...
plotCNProfilePlots the profile of a 'SeqCNAInfo-class' object.
readSeqsummFunction that reads seqsumm summarized files.
runGLADWrapper function that runs the GLAD segmentation algorithm on...
runSeqnormThis function calls seqnorm, which normalizes the tumoural...
runSeqsummFunction that generates seqsumm summarized files.
SeqCNAInfo-classClass '"SeqCNAInfo"'
seqCNA-packageCopy number analysis of deep sequencing cancer data
seqsumm_HCC1143Example of a seqsumm output, namely for a sequenced sample of...
writeCNProfileOutputs the processed profile of a 'SeqCNAInfo-class' object...
seqCNA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:09 p.m.