similaRpeak-package: similaRpeak: Metrics to estimate a level of similarity...

Description Details Author(s) See Also


This package is calculating six differents metrics to estimate a level of similarity between two ChIP-Seq profiles.


The similarity function calculates six differents metrics:

The function similarity also reports basic information about each ChIP profile such as the number of positions, the area, the maximum value and the position of the maximum value.

To learn more about similaRpeak package see:


Astrid Deschenes, Elsa Bernatchez, Charles Joly Beauparlant, Fabien Claude Lamaze, Rawane Samb, Pascal Belleau and Arnaud Droit

Maintainer: Astrid Deschenes <>

See Also

similaRpeak documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:56 p.m.