tibble-methods: Coerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames

Description Arguments Value Row names Life cycle See Also Examples


'r lifecycle::badge("maturing")'

'as_tibble()' turns an existing object, such as a data frame or matrix, into a so-called tibble, a data frame with class ['tbl_df']. This is in contrast with [tibble()], which builds a tibble from individual columns. 'as_tibble()' is to ['tibble()'] as [base::as.data.frame()] is to [base::data.frame()].

'as_tibble()' is an S3 generic, with methods for: * ['data.frame'][base::data.frame()]: Thin wrapper around the 'list' method that implements tibble's treatment of [rownames]. * ['matrix'][methods::matrix-class], ['poly'][stats::poly()], ['ts'][stats::ts()], ['table'][base::table()] * Default: Other inputs are first coerced with [base::as.data.frame()].



A data frame, list, matrix, or other object that could reasonably be coerced to a tibble.


Unused, for extensibility.


How to treat existing row names of a data frame or matrix: * 'NULL': remove row names. This is the default. * 'NA': keep row names. * A string: the name of a new column. Existing rownames are transferred into this column and the 'row.names' attribute is deleted. Read more in [rownames].


see tidyr

For compatibility only, do not use for new code.


A tibble

Row names

The default behavior is to silently remove row names.

New code should explicitly convert row names to a new column using the 'rownames' argument.

For existing code that relies on the retention of row names, call 'pkgconfig::set_config("tibble::rownames"=NA)' in your script or in your package's [.onLoad()] function.

Life cycle

Using 'as_tibble()' for vectors is superseded as of version 3.0.0, prefer the more expressive maturing 'as_tibble_row()' and 'as_tibble_col()' variants for new code.

See Also

[tibble()] constructs a tibble from individual columns. [enframe()] converts a named vector to a tibble with a column of names and column of values. Name repair is implemented using [vctrs::vec_as_names()].


tidySummarizedExperiment::pasilla %>%
    tidy() %>%

tidySummarizedExperiment documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:22 p.m.