mixinvgauss: Finite mixture of inverse Gaussian Distribution

Finite mixture of inverse Gaussian DistributionsR Documentation

Finite mixture of inverse Gaussian Distribution


Density (PDF), distribution function (CDF), and hazard function for Finite mixture of inverse Gaussian Distributions.


dmixinvgauss(x, theta = .2, lambda = .1, gamma = .05, forceExpectation = F)
pmixinvgauss(q, theta = .2, lambda = .1, gamma = .05, forceExpectation = F)
mixinvgaussHazard(x, theta = .2, lambda = .1, gamma = .05, forceExpectation = F)


x, q

vector of quantiles.

theta, lambda, gamma

parameters, see 'Details'.


logical; if TRUE, the expectation of the distribution is forced to be 1..


The finite mixture of inverse Gaussian distributions was used by Gomes-Deniz and Perez-Rodrigues (201X) for ACD-models. Its PDF is:

f(x) = \frac{\gamma + x}{\gamma + \theta} \sqrt{\frac{\lambda}{2 \pi x^3}} \exp \left[ - \frac{\lambda(x-\theta)^2}{2 x \theta^2}\right].

If forceExpectation = TRUE the distribution is transformed by dividing the random variable with its expectation and using the change of variable function.


Gomez-Deniz Perez-Rodriguez (201X) Non-exponential mixtures, non-monotonic financial hazard functions and the autoregressive conditional duration model. Working paper. Retrieved June 16, 2015, from http://dea.uib.es/digitalAssets/254/254084_perez.pdf.

ACDm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:04 p.m.