
# @RdocPackage ACNE
# \description{
#   @eval "getDescription(ACNE)"
# }
# \section{Installation and updates}{
#   This package requires the \pkg{aroma.affymetrix} package.
#   To install this package, do:
#   \code{install.packages("ACNE")}
# }
# \section{To get started}{
#  \enumerate{
#   \item For a one-command pipeline, see the @see "doACNE" method.
#   \item For other usages, see the @see "NmfPlm" class.
#  }
# }
# @author "MO, HB, AR"
# \section{License}{
#   @eval "getLicense(ACNE)"
# }
# \references{
#  [1] @include "../incl/OrtizM_etal_2010.Rd" \cr
# }

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ACNE documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:33 p.m.