
Defines functions det.dual det d_chol chol0 crossprod_dual d_XXT tcrossprod_dual d_transpose t.dual solve_dual d_solve

Documented in chol0 det det.dual t.dual

#' @include class_dual_def.R

#' Inverse of 'dual'-class objects
#' @method solve dual
#' @rdname solve.dual
#' @param a A numeric square matrix or a corresponding "dual" object.
#' @param b A numeric vector or matrix or a corresponding "dual" object.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to 'base::solve'. See '?solve' for detail.
#' @note At least one of `a` and `b` must be a dual object, and the other one 
#' may be any appropriate numeric matrix.
  signature(a = "dual", b = "missing"),
  function(a, b, ...) {
    inv_a <- solve(a@x, ...)
    a@dx <- d_solve(a, inv_a)
    a@x <- inv_a

d_solve <- function(a, inv_a) {
  da <- a@dx
  (-t(inv_a) %x% inv_a) %*% da

solve_dual <- function(a, b, ...) {
  solve(a, ...) %*% b

#' @rdname solve.dual
setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dual", b = "dual"), solve_dual)

#' @rdname solve.dual
setMethod("solve", signature(a = "ANY", b = "dual"), solve_dual)

#' @rdname solve.dual
setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dual", b = "ANY"), solve_dual)

#' Transpose of 'dual'-class objects
#' @rdname t.dual
#' @method t dual
#' @param x A "dual" object.
#' @export
t.dual <- function(x) {
  x@dx <- d_transpose(x)
  x@x <- t(x@x)

d_transpose <- function(a) {
  X <- a@x
  dX <- a@dx
  K_nq <- commutation_matrix0(NROW(X), NCOL(X))
  K_nq %*% dX

#' @rdname t.dual
setMethod("t", signature(x = "dual"), t.dual)

tcrossprod_dual <- function(x, y) { x %*% t(y) }

#' Crossproduct of 'dual'-class objects
#' @rdname tcrossprod.dual
#' @param x A numeric matrix, or the corresponding "dual" object.
#' @param y A numeric matrix, or the corresponding "dual" object.
setMethod("tcrossprod", signature(x = "dual", y = "ANY"), tcrossprod_dual)

#' @rdname tcrossprod.dual
setMethod("tcrossprod", signature(x = "dual", y = "dual"), tcrossprod_dual)

#' @rdname tcrossprod.dual
  signature(x = "dual", y = "missing"),
  function(x, y) {
    x@dx <- d_XXT(x)
    x@x <- tcrossprod(x@x)

d_XXT <- function(a) {
  X <- a@x
  dX <- a@dx

  n <- nrow(X)
  I_n <- Diagonal0(n)
  I_nn <- Diagonal0(n^2)
  K_nn <- commutation_matrix0(n, n)
  ((I_nn + K_nn) %*% (X %x% I_n)) %*% dX

crossprod_dual <- function(x, y) { t(x) %*% y }

#' Crossproduct of 'dual'-class objects
#' @rdname crossprod.dual
#' @param x A numeric matrix, or the corresponding "dual" object.
#' @param y A numeric matrix, or the corresponding "dual" object.
  signature(x = "dual", y = "missing"),
  function(x, y) { t(x) %*% x }

#' @rdname crossprod.dual
setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "dual", y = "ANY"), crossprod_dual)

#' @rdname crossprod.dual
setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "dual", y = "dual"), crossprod_dual)

#' Cholesky decomposition
#' @param x A numeric matrix.
#' @note This function uses only the lower-triangular part of the input and returns a lower-triangular matrix.
#' @details \code{chol0} is implemented as (t o chol o t) becauase the Cholesky decomposition
#' in R (\code{chol}) \enumerate{
#'   \item returns an upper-triangle matrix;
#'   \item uses only the upper half of the matrix when the matrix is real.
#' }
#' This does not match with the usual math notation of A = LL^T, where L is
#' a lower triangular matrix. (Note that the Cholesky-Banachiewicz algorithm
#' for example only uses the lower triangular part of A to compute L, so one
#' should expect d L / d A to look like something you get by differentiating
#' a lower triangular matrix w.r.t. a lower triangular matrix, i.e. the resulting
#' Jacobian matrix is also lower triangular.)
#' To convert the R version of chol to the usual math version of chol, we define
#'   \code{chol0 <- function(x) { t(chol(t(x))) }}
#' The first transpose ensures the output is lower-triangular, and the second
#' ensures the lower-triangular part of the input is used. Now, chol0 \enumerate{
#'   \item returns a lower-trianglar matrix
#'   \item uses only the lower half of the matrix when the matrix is real
#' }
#' and this is what we want.
#' (Additional note: finite-differencing with Cholesky is not too accurate
#' due to the many floating point operations involved.)
#' @export
chol0 <- function(x) { t(chol(t(x))) }

#' Cholesky decomposition of 'dual'-class objects
#' @param x A "dual" object.
#' @note The Cholesky decomposition used in this function returns a
#' lower triangular matrix.
  signature(x = "dual"),
  function(x) {
    L <- t(chol(x@x))
    dL <- d_chol(L, x)
    x@x <- L
    x@dx <- dL

d_chol <- function(L, a) {
  # LL^T = A
  dA <- a@dx

  n <- nrow(L)
  I_n <- Diagonal0(n)
  I_nn <- Diagonal0(n^2)
  K_nn <- commutation_matrix0(n, n)
  E_n <- elimination_matrix0(n)
  D_n <- Matrix::t(E_n)

  # (D_n %*% solve(E_n %*% (I_nn + K_nn) %*% (L %x% I_n) %*% D_n, E_n)) %*% dA
  mprod(D_n, solve(mprod(E_n, (I_nn + K_nn), (L %x% I_n), D_n), E_n), dA)

#' Cholesky decomposition of 'dual'-class objects
#' @param x A "dual" object.
#' @note The Cholesky decomposition used in this function returns an
#' upper triangular matrix.
  signature(x = "dual"),
  function(x) {
    px <- x@x
    U <- chol(px)
    dU <- commutation_matrix0(NROW(px), NCOL(px)) %*% d_chol(t(U), x)
    x@x <- U
    x@dx <- dU

#' Determinant of a matrix
#' @name matrix_determinant
#' @inheritParams base::det
#' @export
det <- function(x, ...) {
  UseMethod("det", x)

#' @rdname matrix_determinant
#' @export
det.default <- base::det

#' Determinant of a 'dual'-class object
#' @method det dual
#' @param x A "dual" object.
#' @param ... Other parameters to be passed to `base::det`.
#' @export
det.dual <- function(x, ...) {
  px <- x@x
  det_x <- det(px, ...)
  x@x <- det_x
  x@dx <- det_x * t(as.numeric(t(solve(px)))) %*% x@dx

#' Determinant of a 'dual'-class object
#' @param x A "dual" object.
#' @param ... Other parameters to be passed to `base::det`.
setMethod("det", signature(x = "dual"), det.dual)

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