
Defines functions hoenig

Documented in hoenig

#' Age-Length Key by the Hoening \emph{et al.} (1993, 1994) method
#' Generation of Age-Length Keys (ALK) using incomplete data, by the method
#' proposed by Hoenig \emph{et al.} (1993, 1994).
#' Calculates an ALK using the generalized method proposed by Hoenig
#' \emph{et al.} (1993, 1994), which uses an undefined number of data sets with
#' known and unknown age information.
#' The returned \code{ALKr} object contains information on the convergence
#' threshold that was used, the number of iterations ran, and if convergence was
#' reached.
#' \subsection{Convergence}{
#' The method proposed by Hoenig \emph{et al.} (1993, 1994) is based on the EM
#' algorithm as defined by Dempster \emph{et al.} (1997), and it generates the
#' ALK by a series of iterations which are repeated until convergence is
#' acheived.
#' Let \code{Nz} be a list of matrices containing the number of fish in each
#' length and age class for each of the \code{z} populations with unknown age
#' information and with length distribution specified by \code{fiz}. Convergence
#' is tested by evaluating the greatest of the absolute differences
#' between all pairs of \code{Nz} matrices generated on the current and previous
#' iterations: \code{max(mapply("-", Nz, Nz.old))}.
#' }
#' @param Ak A list of \code{k} equally dimensioned matrices, so that
#' \code{A[[k]][i, j]} is the count of individuals of length \code{i} and age
#' \code{j} on sample \code{k}.
#' @param fik A list of \code{k} vectors of equal length (\code{i}), so that
#' \code{fik[[k]][i]} is the total number of fish in the length-class \code{i}
#' on the population from which \code{Ak[[k]]} was sampled.
#' @param fiz A list of vectors of equal length (\code{i}) where
#' \code{fiz[[z]][i]} is the number of fish in the length-class \code{i} on
#' population \code{z}, for which no age data is available.
#' @param age_classes A vector with the name of each age class.
#' @param length_classes A vector with the name of each age class.
#' @param threshold The value at which convergence is considered to be achieved:
#' see `details'.
#' @param maxiter The maximum number of iterations of the EM algorithm: see
#' `details'.
#' @param name A string with the name of the ALK.
#' @param description A string describing the ALK.
#' @return A list of \code{ALKr} objects, one for each item in the \code{fiz}
#' list, each containing a matrix with the probability of an individual of age
#' \code{j} having length \code{i}, i.e. \eqn{P(i|j)}, the vectors of age and
#' length classes, and information about the method used to generate the key.
#' @references
#' Dempster, A.P., Laird, N.M., Rubin, D.B. (1977). Maximum Likelihood from
#' Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical
#' Society. Series B (Methodological)}, \strong{39}/1, 1-38.
#' DOI: \code{10.2307/2984875}
#' Hoenig, J.M., Heisey, D.M., Hanumara, R.C. (1993). Using Prior and Current
#' Information to Estimate Age Composition: a new kind of age-length key.
#' \emph{ICES CM Documents 1993}, 10.
#' Hoenig, J.M., Heisey, D.M., Hanumara, R.C. (1994). A computationally simple
#' approach to using current and past data in age-length key.
#' \emph{ICES CM Documents 1994}, 5.
#' @seealso
#' \link{inverse_ALK} \link{kimura_chikuni} \link{hoenig_heisey} \link{gascuel}
#' @examples
#' data(hom)
#' hoenig(Ak = hom$otoliths[1:10],
#'        fik = replicate(10, hom$F1992, simplify = FALSE),
#'        fiz = list(hom$F1993))
#' @import Rcpp
#' @export
hoenig <- function(Ak, fik, fiz, threshold = 1, maxiter = 2000,
                   age_classes = colnames(Ak[[1]]),
                   length_classes = rownames(Ak[[1]]),
                   name = "", description = "") {
  fromC <- hoenigC(Ak, fik, fiz, threshold, maxiter)
  Nz <- fromC[["Nz"]]
  iter <- fromC[["iter"]]
  lapply(Nz, function(x) {
    colnames(x) <- age_classes
    rownames(x) <- length_classes
        alk = calc_ALK(x),
        N = x,
        method = "Hoenig et al.",
        parameters = list(
          ConvergenceThreshold = threshold,
          Iterations = iter,
          Converged = iter < maxiter),
        name = name,
        description = description

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ALKr documentation built on May 30, 2017, 7:42 a.m.