like: Vectorised Pattern Matching with Keyboard Shortcut

View source: R/like.R

likeR Documentation

Vectorised Pattern Matching with Keyboard Shortcut


Convenient wrapper around grepl() to match a pattern: x %like% pattern. It always returns a logical vector and is always case-insensitive (use x %like_case% pattern for case-sensitive matching). Also, pattern can be as long as x to compare items of each index in both vectors, or they both can have the same length to iterate over all cases.


like(x, pattern, = TRUE)

x %like% pattern

x %unlike% pattern

x %like_case% pattern

x %unlike_case% pattern



a character vector where matches are sought, or an object which can be coerced by as.character() to a character vector.


a character vector containing regular expressions (or a character string for fixed = TRUE) to be matched in the given character vector. Coerced by as.character() to a character string if possible.

if FALSE, the pattern matching is case sensitive and if TRUE, case is ignored during matching.


These like() and ⁠%like%⁠/⁠%unlike%⁠ functions:

  • Are case-insensitive (use ⁠%like_case%⁠/⁠%unlike_case%⁠ for case-sensitive matching)

  • Support multiple patterns

  • Check if pattern is a valid regular expression and sets fixed = TRUE if not, to greatly improve speed (vectorised over pattern)

  • Always use compatibility with Perl unless fixed = TRUE, to greatly improve speed

Using RStudio? The ⁠%like%⁠/⁠%unlike%⁠ functions can also be directly inserted in your code from the Addins menu and can have its own keyboard shortcut like Shift+Ctrl+L or Shift+Cmd+L (see menu Tools > ⁠Modify Keyboard Shortcuts...⁠). If you keep pressing your shortcut, the inserted text will be iterated over ⁠%like%⁠ -> ⁠%unlike%⁠ -> ⁠%like_case%⁠ -> ⁠%unlike_case%⁠.


A logical vector


Idea from the like function from the data.table package, although altered as explained in Details.

See Also



# data.table has a more limited version of %like%, so unload it:
try(detach("package:data.table", unload = TRUE), silent = TRUE)

a <- "This is a test"
b <- "TEST"
a %like% b
b %like% a

# also supports multiple patterns
a <- c("Test case", "Something different", "Yet another thing")
b <- c("case", "diff", "yet")
a %like% b
a %unlike% b

a[1] %like% b
a %like% b[1]

# get isolates whose name start with 'Entero' (case-insensitive)
example_isolates[which(mo_name() %like% "^entero"), ]

if (require("dplyr")) {
  example_isolates %>%
    filter(mo_name() %like% "^ent")

AMR documentation built on Oct. 22, 2023, 1:08 a.m.