native_anywhere_in_australia: Native anywhere in Australia

View source: R/native_anywhere_in_australia.R

native_anywhere_in_australiaR Documentation

Native anywhere in Australia


This function checks which species from a list is thought to be native anywhere in Australia according to the APC.


native_anywhere_in_australia(species, resources = load_taxonomic_resources())



A character string typically representing the binomial for the species.


An optional list of taxonomic resources to use for the lookup. If not provided, the function will load default taxonomic resources using the load_taxonomic_resources() function.


Important caveats:

  • This function will not detect within-Australia introductions, e.g. if a species is from Western Australia and is invasive on the east coast.

  • Very recent invasions are unlikely to be documented yet in APC.

  • Ideally check spelling and taxonomy updates first via create_taxonomic_update_lookup.

  • For the complete matrix of species by states that also represents within-Australia invasions, use create_species_state_origin_matrix.


A tibble with two columns: species, which is the same as the unique values of the input species, and native_anywhere_in_aus, a vector indicating whether each species is native anywhere in Australia, introduced by humans from elsewhere, or unknown with respect to the APC resource.

See Also

Other diversity methods: create_species_state_origin_matrix(), state_diversity_counts()


native_anywhere_in_australia(c("Eucalyptus globulus","Pinus radiata","Banksis notaspecies"))

APCalign documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:58 a.m.