state_diversity_counts: State- and territory-level diversity

View source: R/state_diversity_counts.R

state_diversity_countsR Documentation

State- and territory-level diversity


For Australian states and territories, use geographic distribution data from the APC to calculate state-level diversity for native, introduced, and more complicated species origins


state_diversity_counts(state, resources = load_taxonomic_resources())



A character string indicating the Australian state or territory to calculate the diversity for. Possible values are "NSW", "NT", "Qld", "WA", "ChI", "SA", "Vic", "Tas", "ACT", "NI", "LHI", "MI", "HI", "MDI", "CoI", "CSI", and "AR".


the taxonomic resources required to make the summary statistics. loading this can be slow, so call load_taxonomic_resources separately to greatly speed this function up and pass the resources in.


A tibble of diversity counts for the specified state or territory, including native, introduced, and more complicated species origins. The tibble has three columns: "origin" indicating the origin of the species, "state" indicating the Australian state or territory, and "num_species" indicating the number of species for that origin and state.

See Also


Other diversity methods: create_species_state_origin_matrix(), native_anywhere_in_australia()


 state_diversity_counts(state = "NSW")

APCalign documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:58 a.m.