align_taxa: Align Australian plant scientific names to the APC or APNI

View source: R/align_taxa.R

align_taxaR Documentation

Align Australian plant scientific names to the APC or APNI


For a list of Australian plant names, find taxonomic or scientific name alignments to the APC or APNI through standardizing formatting and fixing spelling errors.

Usage case: Users will run this function if they wish to see the details of the matching algorithms, the many output columns that the matching function compares to as it seeks the best alignment. They may also select this function if they want to adjust the “fuzziness” level for fuzzy matches, options not allowed in create_taxonomic_update_lookup. This function is the first half of create_taxonomic_update_lookup.


  output = NULL,
  full = FALSE,
  resources = load_taxonomic_resources(),
  quiet = FALSE,
  fuzzy_abs_dist = 3,
  fuzzy_rel_dist = 0.2,
  fuzzy_matches = TRUE,
  imprecise_fuzzy_matches = FALSE,
  APNI_matches = TRUE,
  identifier = NA_character_



A list of names to query for taxonomic alignments.


(optional) The name of the file to save the results to.


Parameter to determine how many columns are output


the taxonomic resources used to align the taxa names. Loading this can be slow, so call load_taxonomic_resources separately to greatly speed this function up and pass the resources in.


Logical to indicate whether to display messages while aligning taxa.


The number of characters allowed to be different for a fuzzy match.


The proportion of characters allowed to be different for a fuzzy match.


Fuzzy matches are turned on as a default. The relative and absolute distances allowed for fuzzy matches to species and infraspecific taxon names are defined by the parameters fuzzy_abs_dist and fuzzy_rel_dist


Imprecise fuzzy matches uses the fuzzy matching function with lenient levels set (absolute distance of 5 characters; relative distance = 0.25). It offers a way to get a wider range of possible names, possibly corresponding to very distant spelling mistakes. This is FALSE as default and all outputs should be checked as it often makes erroneous matches.


Name matches to the APNI (Australian Plant Names Index) are turned on as a default.


A dataset, location or other identifier, which defaults to NA.


  • This function finds taxonomic alignments in APC or scientific name alignments in APNI.

  • It uses the internal function match_taxa to attempt to match input strings to taxon names in the APC/APNI.

  • It sequentially searches for matches against more than 20 different string patterns, prioritising exact matches (to accepted names as well as synonyms, orthographic variants) over fuzzy matches.

  • It prioritises matches to taxa in the APC over names in the APNI.

  • It identifies string patterns in input names that suggest a name can only be aligned to a genus (hybrids that are not in the APC/APNI; graded species; taxa not identified to species), and indicates these names only have a genus-rank match.


  • If you will be running the function APCalign::create_taxonomic_update_lookup many times, it is best to load the taxonomic resources separately using resources <- load_taxonomic_resources(), then add the argument resources = resources

  • The name Banksia cerrata does not align as the fuzzy matching algorithm does not allow the first letter of the genus and species epithet to change.

  • With this function you have the option of changing the fuzzy matching parameters. The defaults, with fuzzy matches only allowing changes of 3 (or fewer) characters AND 20% (or less) of characters has been carefully calibrated to catch just about all typos, but very, very rarely mis-align a name. If you wish to introduce less conservative fuzzy matching it is recommended you manually check the aligned names.

  • It is recommended that you begin with imprecise_fuzzy_matches = FALSE (the default), as quite a few of the less precise fuzzy matches are likely to be erroneous. This argument should be turned on only if you plan to check all alignments manually.

  • The argument identifier allows you to add a fix text string to all genus- and family- level names, such as identifier = "Royal NP" would return "Acacia sp. [Royal NP]".


A tibble with columns that include original_name, aligned_name, taxonomic_dataset, taxon_rank, aligned_reason, alignment_code.

  • original_name: the original plant name input.

  • aligned_name: the original plant name after the function standardise_names has standardised the syntax of infraspecific taxon designations.

  • taxonomic_dataset: the source of the aligned names (APC or APNI).

  • taxon_rank: the taxonomic rank of the aligned name.

  • aligned_reason: the explanation of a specific taxon name alignment (from an original name to an aligned name).

  • alignment_code: a code that accompanies the aligned_reason, indicating the relative sequence of the match during the alignment process.

  • cleaned_name: original name with punctuation and infraspecific taxon designation terms standardised by the function standardise_names; streamlines exact matches.

  • stripped_name: cleaned name with punctuation and infraspecific taxon designation terms removed by the function strip_names; improves fuzzy matches.

  • stripped_name2: cleaned name with punctuation, infraspecific taxon designation terms, and other filler words removed by the function strip_names_extra; required for matches to ⁠first two word⁠ and ⁠first three words⁠.

  • trinomial: the first three words in stripped_name2, required for matches that ignore all other text in the original_name; improves phrase name matches.

  • binomial: the first two words in stripped_name2, required for matches that ignore all other text in the original_name; improves phrase name matches.

  • genus: the first two words in cleaned_name; required for genus-rank matches and reprocessing of genus-rank names.

  • fuzzy_match_genus: fuzzy match of genus column to best match among APC-accepted names; required for fuzzy matches of genus-rank names.

  • fuzzy_match_genus_synonym: fuzzy match of genus column to best match among APC-synonymous names, only considering different matches to those documented under APC-accepted genera; required for fuzzy matches of genus-rank names.

  • fuzzy_match_genus_APNI: fuzzy match of genus column to best match among APNI names, only considering different matches to those documented under APC-accepted and APC-known genera; required for fuzzy matches of genus-rank names.

  • fuzzy_match_family: fuzzy match of genus column to best match among APC-accepted family names; required for fuzzy matches of family-rank names.

  • fuzzy_match_family_synonym: fuzzy match of genus column to best match among APC-synonymous family names; required for fuzzy matches of family-rank names.

  • fuzzy_match_cleaned_APC: fuzzy match of stripped_name to APC-accepted names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at the match step 05a in the function match_taxa.

  • fuzzy_match_cleaned_APC_synonym: fuzzy match of stripped_name to APC-synonymous names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at the match step 05b in the function match_taxa.

  • fuzzy_match_cleaned_APC_imprecise: imprecise fuzzy match of stripped_name to APC-accepted names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at the match step 07a in the function match_taxa.

  • fuzzy_match_cleaned_APC_synonym_imprecise: imprecise fuzzy match of stripped_name to APC-accepted names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at the match step 07b in the function match_taxa.

  • fuzzy_match_binomial: fuzzy match of binomial column to best match among APC-accepted names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at match step 10c in the function match_taxa.

  • fuzzy_match_binomial_APC_synonym: fuzzy match of binomial column to best match among APC-synonymous names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at match step 10d in the function match_taxa.

  • fuzzy_match_trinomial: fuzzy match of trinomial column to best match among APC-accepted names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at match step 09c in the function match_taxa.

  • fuzzy_match_trinomial_synonym: fuzzy match of trinomial column to best match among APC-synonymous names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at match step 09d in the function match_taxa.

  • fuzzy_match_cleaned_APNI: fuzzy match of stripped_name to APNI names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at the match step 11a in the function match_taxa.

  • fuzzy_match_cleaned_APNI_imprecise: imprecise fuzzy match of stripped_name to APNI names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at the match step 11b in the function match_taxa.

See Also


Other taxonomic alignment functions: create_taxonomic_update_lookup(), update_taxonomy()


resources <- load_taxonomic_resources()

# example 1
align_taxa(c("Poa annua", "Abies alba"), resources=resources)

# example 2
input <- c("Banksia serrata", "Banksia serrate", "Banksia cerrata", 
"Banksia serrrrata", "Dryandra sp.", "Banksia big red flowers")

aligned_taxa <-
    original_name = input,
    identifier = "APCalign test",
    full = TRUE,

APCalign documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:58 a.m.