
Defines functions redistribute align_taxa

Documented in align_taxa

#' @title Align Australian plant scientific names to the APC or APNI
#' @description
#' For a list of Australian plant names, find taxonomic or scientific name
#' alignments to the APC or APNI through standardizing formatting and fixing
#' spelling errors.
#' Usage case: Users will run this function if they wish to see the details
#'  of the matching algorithms, the many output columns that the matching
#'  function compares to as it seeks the best alignment. They may also select
#'  this function if they want to adjust the “fuzziness” level for fuzzy
#'  matches, options not allowed in create_taxonomic_update_lookup. This
#'  function is the first half of create_taxonomic_update_lookup.
#' @details  
#' - This function finds taxonomic alignments in APC or scientific name 
#' alignments in APNI. 
#' - It uses the internal function `match_taxa` to attempt to match input
#'  strings to taxon names in the APC/APNI. 
#' - It sequentially searches for matches against more than 20 different string
#'  patterns, prioritising exact matches (to accepted names as well as
#'  synonyms, orthographic variants) over fuzzy matches.
#' - It prioritises matches to taxa in the APC over names in the APNI.
#' - It identifies string patterns in input names that suggest a name can only
#'  be aligned to a genus (hybrids that are not in the APC/APNI; graded species;
#'  taxa not identified to species), and indicates these names only have a
#'  genus-rank match.
#' Notes:
#' - If you will be running the function APCalign::create_taxonomic_update_lookup
#'  many times, it is best to load the taxonomic resources separately using
#'   resources <- load_taxonomic_resources(), then add the argument
#'    resources = resources
#' - The name Banksia cerrata does not align as the fuzzy matching algorithm
#'  does not allow the first letter of the genus and species epithet to change.
#' - With this function you have the option of changing the fuzzy matching
#'  parameters. The defaults, with fuzzy matches only allowing changes of 3
#'   (or fewer) characters AND 20% (or less) of characters has been carefully
#'    calibrated to catch just about all typos, but very, very rarely mis-align
#'     a name. If you wish to introduce less conservative fuzzy matching it is
#'      recommended you manually check the aligned names.
#' - It is recommended that you begin with imprecise_fuzzy_matches = FALSE (the
#'  default), as quite a few of the less precise fuzzy matches are likely to be
#'   erroneous. This argument should be turned on only if you plan to check all
#'    alignments manually.
#' - The argument identifier allows you to add a fix text string to all genus-
#'  and family- level names, such as identifier = "Royal NP" would return "Acacia
#'   sp. \[Royal NP]".
#' @param original_name A list of names to query for taxonomic alignments.
#' @param output (optional) The name of the file to save the results to.
#' @param full Parameter to determine how many columns are output
#' @param resources the taxonomic resources used to align the taxa names.
#'  Loading this can be slow, so call \code{\link{load_taxonomic_resources}}
#'  separately to greatly speed this function up and pass the resources in.
#' @param quiet Logical to indicate whether to display messages while
#'  aligning taxa.
#' @param fuzzy_abs_dist The number of characters allowed to be different for a
#'  fuzzy match.
#' @param fuzzy_rel_dist The proportion of characters allowed to be different
#'  for a fuzzy match. 
#' @param fuzzy_matches Fuzzy matches are turned on as a default. 
#' The relative and absolute distances allowed for fuzzy matches to species and
#'  infraspecific taxon names are defined by the parameters `fuzzy_abs_dist`
#'  and `fuzzy_rel_dist`
#' @param imprecise_fuzzy_matches Imprecise fuzzy matches uses the
#'  fuzzy matching function with lenient levels set (absolute distance of
#'  5 characters; relative distance = 0.25). 
#'  It offers a way to get a wider range of possible names, possibly
#'  corresponding to very distant spelling mistakes. 
#' This is FALSE as default and all outputs should be checked as it often
#'  makes erroneous matches.
#' @param APNI_matches Name matches to the APNI (Australian Plant Names Index)
#'  are turned on as a default.
#' @param identifier A dataset, location or other identifier,
#'  which defaults to NA.
#' @return A tibble with columns that include original_name, aligned_name,
#'   taxonomic_dataset, taxon_rank, aligned_reason, alignment_code. 
#' - original_name: the original plant name input.
#' - aligned_name: the original plant name after the function standardise_names
#'   has standardised the syntax of infraspecific taxon designations.
#' - taxonomic_dataset: the source of the aligned names (APC or APNI).
#' - taxon_rank: the taxonomic rank of the aligned name.
#' - aligned_reason: the explanation of a specific taxon name alignment
#'   (from an original name to an aligned name).
#' - alignment_code: a code that accompanies the aligned_reason, indicating the
#'   relative sequence of the match during the alignment process.
#' - cleaned_name: original name with punctuation and infraspecific taxon
#'   designation terms standardised by the function standardise_names;
#'   streamlines exact matches.
#' - stripped_name: cleaned name with punctuation and infraspecific taxon
#'   designation terms removed by the function strip_names;
#'   improves fuzzy matches. 
#' - stripped_name2: cleaned name with punctuation, infraspecific taxon
#'   designation terms, and other filler words removed by
#'   the function `strip_names_extra`;
#'   required for matches to `first two word` and `first three words`.
#' - trinomial: the first three words in `stripped_name2`, required for matches
#'   that ignore all other text in the original_name;
#'   improves phrase name matches.
#' - binomial: the first two words in `stripped_name2`, required for matches
#'   that ignore all other text in the original_name;
#'   improves phrase name matches.
#' - genus: the first two words in `cleaned_name`;
#'   required for genus-rank matches and reprocessing of genus-rank names.
#' - fuzzy_match_genus: fuzzy match of genus column to best match among
#'   APC-accepted names;
#'   required for fuzzy matches of genus-rank names.
#' - fuzzy_match_genus_synonym: fuzzy match of genus column to best match among
#'   APC-synonymous names, only considering different matches to those documented
#'   under APC-accepted genera; required for fuzzy matches of genus-rank names.
#' - fuzzy_match_genus_APNI: fuzzy match of genus column to best match among
#'   APNI names, only considering different matches to those documented under
#'   APC-accepted and APC-known genera; required for fuzzy matches of
#'   genus-rank names.
#' - fuzzy_match_family: fuzzy match of genus column to best match among
#'   APC-accepted family names; required for fuzzy matches of family-rank names.
#' - fuzzy_match_family_synonym: fuzzy match of genus column to best match
#'   among APC-synonymous family names; required for fuzzy matches of
#'   family-rank names.
#' - fuzzy_match_cleaned_APC: fuzzy match of stripped_name to APC-accepted
#'   names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at the match step 05a
#'   in the function `match_taxa`.
#' - fuzzy_match_cleaned_APC_synonym: fuzzy match of stripped_name to
#'   APC-synonymous names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at the
#'   match step 05b in the function `match_taxa`.
#' - fuzzy_match_cleaned_APC_imprecise: imprecise fuzzy match of stripped_name
#'   to APC-accepted names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at the
#'   match step 07a in the function `match_taxa`.
#' - fuzzy_match_cleaned_APC_synonym_imprecise: imprecise fuzzy match of
#'   stripped_name to APC-accepted names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names
#'   at the match step 07b in the function `match_taxa`.
#' - fuzzy_match_binomial: fuzzy match of binomial column to best match among
#'   APC-accepted names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at
#'   match step 10c in the function `match_taxa`.
#' - fuzzy_match_binomial_APC_synonym: fuzzy match of binomial column to best
#'   match among APC-synonymous names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at
#'   match step 10d in the function `match_taxa`.
#' - fuzzy_match_trinomial: fuzzy match of trinomial column to best match
#'   among APC-accepted names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at
#'   match step 09c in the function `match_taxa`.
#' - fuzzy_match_trinomial_synonym: fuzzy match of trinomial column to best
#'   match among APC-synonymous names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names at
#'   match step 09d in the function `match_taxa`.
#' - fuzzy_match_cleaned_APNI: fuzzy match of stripped_name to APNI names;
#'   created for yet-to-be-aligned names at the match step 11a in the
#'   function `match_taxa`.
#' - fuzzy_match_cleaned_APNI_imprecise: imprecise fuzzy match of
#'   stripped_name to APNI names; created for yet-to-be-aligned names
#'   at the match step 11b in the function `match_taxa`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' resources <- load_taxonomic_resources()
#' # example 1
#' align_taxa(c("Poa annua", "Abies alba"), resources=resources)
#' # example 2
#' input <- c("Banksia serrata", "Banksia serrate", "Banksia cerrata", 
#' "Banksia serrrrata", "Dryandra sp.", "Banksia big red flowers")
#' aligned_taxa <-
#'   APCalign::align_taxa(
#'     original_name = input,
#'     identifier = "APCalign test",
#'     full = TRUE,
#'     resources=resources
#'   ) 
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{load_taxonomic_resources}}
#' @family taxonomic alignment functions
#' @rdname align_taxa
align_taxa <- function(original_name,
                       output = NULL,
                       full = FALSE,
                       resources = load_taxonomic_resources(),
                       quiet = FALSE,
                       fuzzy_abs_dist = 3, 
                       fuzzy_rel_dist = 0.2, 
                       fuzzy_matches = TRUE, 
                       imprecise_fuzzy_matches = FALSE, 
                       APNI_matches = TRUE,
                       identifier = NA_character_) {
    message("Not finding taxonomic resources; check internet connection?")
    message("Checking alignments of ", 
            dplyr::n_distinct(original_name, na.rm = TRUE),
            " taxa\n")

  if (!is.null(output) && file.exists(output)) {
      message("  - reading existing data from ", output)
    taxa_raw <-
        col_types = readr::cols(
          checked = readr::col_logical(),
          known = readr::col_logical(),
          .default = readr::col_character()
    correct_names <- c("original_name", "aligned_name", "accepted_name",
                           "suggested_name", "genus", "family", "taxon_rank",
                           "taxonomic_dataset", "taxonomic_status", 
                           "taxonomic_status_aligned", "aligned_reason",
                           "update_reason", "subclass", "taxon_distribution",
                           "scientific_name", "taxon_ID", "taxon_ID_genus",
                           "scientific_name_ID", "canonical_name", "row_number",
                           "number_of_collapsed_taxa", "checked", "known")
    if(!identical(names(taxa_raw), correct_names)) {
      stop("Your output file already exists and it's not in the right format. 
         Please check that the file you are passing in to the output option.")
  else {
    taxa_raw <-
        original_name = character(0L),
        cleaned_name = character(0L),
        aligned_name = character(0L),
        taxonomic_dataset = character(0L),
        identifier = character(0L),
        known = logical(0L),
        checked = logical(0L)
  # create list, will have two elements: tocheck, checked
  taxa <- list()
  taxa[["tocheck"]] <-
        original_name = 
          # only include new names
            !is.na(original_name) & 
            !original_name %in% taxa_raw$original_name
        identifier = identifier,
        cleaned_name = NA_character_,
        stripped_name = NA_character_,
        stripped_name2 = NA_character_,
        trinomial = NA_character_,
        binomial = NA_character_,
        genus = NA_character_,
        aligned_name = NA_character_,
        aligned_reason = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_genus = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_genus_synonym = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_genus_APNI = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_family = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_family_synonym = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_binomial = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_binomial_APC_synonym = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_trinomial = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_trinomial_synonym = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_cleaned_APC = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_cleaned_APC_synonym = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_cleaned_APNI = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_cleaned_APC_imprecise = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_cleaned_APC_synonym_imprecise = NA_character_,
        fuzzy_match_cleaned_APNI_imprecise = NA_character_,
        taxonomic_dataset = NA_character_,
        taxon_rank = NA_character_,
        alignment_code = NA_character_,
        checked = FALSE,
        known = FALSE
    ) %>% 
    # take unique values of original name by identifier combinations
    # so each name only processed once (or multiple times if unique identifiers)
    dplyr::filter(!duplicated(paste0(original_name, identifier))) %>%
    dplyr::filter(original_name %>% standardise_names() != "")
  if (all(taxa$tocheck$checked)|all(is.na(taxa$tocheck$checked))) {
      message("  - all taxa are already checked, yay!")
  # move all checked taxa to "checked"
  taxa <- redistribute(taxa)
  # messages if there is an saved list being added to
  if (
    !is.null(output) && 
    file.exists(output) && 
    !all(taxa$tocheck$checked) && 
    ) {
    # check unknown taxa
    "  -> ",
    crayon::blue(sum(!is.na(taxa$checked$accepted_name), na.rm = T)),
    " names already matched; ",
      na.rm = T
    " names checked but without a species-level match; ",
    " taxa yet to be checked"

  # otherwise if there are taxa that require checking add 
  # simple message that indicates number of perfect matches.
  if (!all(taxa$tocheck$checked)) {

  perfect_matches <- taxa$tocheck %>%
    dplyr::filter(original_name %in% resources$`APC list (accepted)`$canonical_name) %>%
    dplyr::distinct(original_name) %>%
      "  -> of these ",
      " names have a perfect match to a scientific name in the APC. 
      Alignments being sought for remaining names."

  # do the actual matching
  taxa <- 
    match_taxa(taxa, resources, fuzzy_abs_dist, fuzzy_rel_dist, fuzzy_matches,
     imprecise_fuzzy_matches, APNI_matches, identifier) %>%
    # reassemble
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(known = !is.na(aligned_name))

  if (full == TRUE) {
    taxa <-
      taxa %>%
      dplyr::select(-genus, -known, -checked) %>%
      dplyr::select(original_name, cleaned_name, aligned_name,
                    taxonomic_dataset, taxon_rank, aligned_reason,
                    alignment_code, dplyr::everything())
  } else {
     taxa <-
      taxa %>%
      dplyr::select(original_name, cleaned_name, aligned_name,
                    taxonomic_dataset, taxon_rank, aligned_reason,
                    alignment_code, identifier)      

  # Assemble output in the order of the input
  # by joining results into a tibble with inputs as column
  taxa <-
    dplyr::tibble(original_name = original_name, identifier = identifier) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(by = c("original_name", "identifier"), taxa) %>%
    # can remove column identifier now that matches are complete
  ## save outputs to file, useful for caching results 
  if (!is.null(output)) {
    dir.create(dirname(output), FALSE, TRUE)
    readr::write_csv(taxa, output)
      message("  - output saved in file: ", output)


# function moves taxa from tocheck to checked
redistribute <- function(data) {
  data[["checked"]] <- dplyr::bind_rows(data[["checked"]],
                                        data[["tocheck"]] %>% 
  data[["tocheck"]] <-
    data[["tocheck"]] %>% dplyr::filter(!checked)

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APCalign documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:58 a.m.