
Defines functions appe.lm

Documented in appe.lm

appe.lm <-
function(mdl, dat.train, dat.test, method="uLSIF", sigma=NULL, lambda=NULL, kernel_num=NULL, fold=5, stabilize=TRUE, qstb=0.025, reps=2000, conf.level=0.95) {

    n0 = nrow(dat.train)
    n1 = nrow(dat.test)
    on = as.character(formula(mdl$call)[[2]])

    ## observed & predicted response values
    Y1   = dat.test[,on]
    scr1 = predict(mdl, newdata=dat.test)
    scr0 = predict(mdl, newdata=dat.train)

    ## weight calculation via package 'densratio'
    xtrain = update(mdl, data=dat.train, x=TRUE)$x[,-1,drop=FALSE]
    xtest  = update(mdl, data=dat.test,  x=TRUE)$x[,-1,drop=FALSE]
    wgt1   = densratio.appe(scr0,   scr1,  method, sigma, lambda, kernel_num, fold, stabilize, qstb)
    wgt2   = densratio.appe(xtrain, xtest, method, sigma, lambda, kernel_num, fold, stabilize, qstb)

    ## predictive performance measure
    L1   = mean(abs(Y1 - scr1))
    L1w1 = weighted.mean(abs(Y1 - scr1), w=wgt1)
    L1w2 = weighted.mean(abs(Y1 - scr1), w=wgt2)
    L2   = mean((Y1 - scr1)^2)
    L2w1 = weighted.mean((Y1 - scr1)^2, w=wgt1)
    L2w2 = weighted.mean((Y1 - scr1)^2, w=wgt2)

    message("\nPoint estimates:")
    result = data.frame(c(L1, L1w1, L1w2, L2, L2w1, L2w2))
    names(result) = 'Estimate'
    row.names(result) = c('L1','L1 adjusted by score','L1 adjusted by predictors','L2','L2 adjusted by score','L2 adjusted by predictors')
    print(round(result, 3))

    ## bootstrap
    if (reps > 0) {
        L1b = L1w1b = L1w2b = L2b = L2w1b = L2w2b = rep(NA, reps)
        for (b in 1:reps) {
            f.train = sample(1:n0, replace=TRUE)
            f.test  = sample(1:n1, replace=TRUE)

            Y1b   = Y1[f.test]
            mdlb  = update(mdl, data=dat.train[f.train,])
            scr1b = predict(mdlb, newdata=dat.test[f.test,])
            scr0b = mdlb$fitted.values

            xtrainb = xtrain[f.train,,drop=FALSE]
            xtestb  = xtest[f.test,,drop=FALSE]
            wgt1b   = densratio.appe(scr0b,   scr1b,  method, sigma, lambda, kernel_num, fold, stabilize, qstb)
            wgt2b   = densratio.appe(xtrainb, xtestb, method, sigma, lambda, kernel_num, fold, stabilize, qstb)

            L1b[b]   = mean(abs(Y1b - scr1b))
            L1w1b[b] = weighted.mean(abs(Y1b - scr1b), w=wgt1b)
            L1w2b[b] = weighted.mean(abs(Y1b - scr1b), w=wgt2b)

            L2b[b]   = mean((Y1b - scr1b)^2)
            L2w1b[b] = weighted.mean((Y1b - scr1b)^2, w=wgt1b)
            L2w2b[b] = weighted.mean((Y1b - scr1b)^2, w=wgt2b)

        ## se
        L1se   = sd(L1b,   na.rm=TRUE)
        L1w1se = sd(L1w1b, na.rm=TRUE)
        L1w2se = sd(L1w2b, na.rm=TRUE)
        L2se   = sd(L2b,   na.rm=TRUE)
        L2w1se = sd(L2w1b, na.rm=TRUE)
        L2w2se = sd(L2w2b, na.rm=TRUE)

        ## percentile ci
        cl     = c((1-conf.level)/2, 1 - (1-conf.level)/2)
        L1ci   = quantile(L1b,   cl, na.rm=TRUE)
        L1w1ci = quantile(L1w1b, cl, na.rm=TRUE)
        L1w2ci = quantile(L1w2b, cl, na.rm=TRUE)
        L2ci   = quantile(L2b,   cl, na.rm=TRUE)
        L2w1ci = quantile(L2w1b, cl, na.rm=TRUE)
        L2w2ci = quantile(L2w2b, cl, na.rm=TRUE)

        ## approx ci
        L1cia   = L1   + L1se   * qnorm(cl)
        L1w1cia = L1w1 + L1w1se * qnorm(cl)
        L1w2cia = L1w2 + L1w2se * qnorm(cl)
        L2cia   = L2   + L2se   * qnorm(cl)
        L2w1cia = L2w1 + L2w1se * qnorm(cl)
        L2w2cia = L2w2 + L2w2se * qnorm(cl)

        ## output
        message("\nPoint & Interval estimates:")
        result = cbind(result,
            c(L1se, L1w1se, L1w2se, L2se, L2w1se, L2w2se),
            rbind(L1ci,  L1w1ci,  L1w2ci,  L2ci,  L2w1ci,  L2w2ci),
            rbind(L1cia, L1w1cia, L1w2cia, L2cia, L2w1cia, L2w2cia))
        names(result) = c('Estimate', 'Std.Error', 'Percentile.l', 'Percentile.u', 'Approx.l', 'Approx.u')
        print(round(result, 3))


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APPEstimation documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:34 a.m.