Man pages for ARPobservation
Tools for Simulating Direct Behavioral Observation Recording Procedures Based on Alternating Renewal Processes

ARPsimulatorAn interactive alternating renewal process simulator
augmented_recordingApplies augmented interval recording to a behavior stream
continuous_duration_recordingApplies continuous duration recording to a behavior stream
DunlapDunlap et al.(1994) data
eq_distConstructor for class 'eq_dist'
event_countingApplies event counting to a behavior stream
F_constConstant (degenerate) distribution and related equilibrium...
F_expExponential distribution and related equilibrium distribution
F_gamGamma distribution and related equilibrium distribution
F_gam_mixMixture of two gamma distributions and related equilibrium...
F_unifUniform distribution and related equilibrium distribution
F_weibWeibull distribution and related equilibrium distribution
incidence_boundsIncidence bounds and confidence interval
interim_boundsInterim bounds and confidence interval
interval_recordingApplies interval recording to a behavior stream
logRespRatioCalculate log-response ratio, variance, and confidence...
MoesMoes(1998) data
momentary_time_recordingApplies momentary time recording to a behavior stream
PIR_loglikCalculate log-likelihood
PIR_MOMMoment estimator for prevalence and incidence, with bootstrap...
plot.behavior_streamPlot method for 'behavior_stream' objects
prevalence_boundsPrevalence bounds and confidence interval
r_AIRGenerates random augmented interval recording behavior...
r_behavior_streamGenerates random behavior streams
r_continuous_recordingGenerates random samples of continuously recorded behavior...
reported_observationsApplies multiple recording procedures to a behavior stream
r_event_countingGenerates random samples of event counts
r_MTSGenerates random momentary time sampling behavior streams
r_PIRGenerates random partial interval recording behavior streams
r_WIRGenerates random whole interval recording behavior streams
ARPobservation documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 5:19 p.m.