calc_sun: Calculate time to sunrise/sunset

View source: R/calc_sun.R

calc_sunR Documentation

Calculate time to sunrise/sunset


Calculate the sunrise/sunset of each sound file for the day of, the day before and the day after to get the nearest sunrise to the recording. Times are calculated using the 'suncalc' package.


calc_sun(meta_sites, aru_tz = "local")



(Spatial) Data frame. Recording metadata with added coordinates. Output of clean_metadata() and then add_sites() (with either clean_gps() or clean_site_index()).


Character. Must be either "local" or a timezone listed in OlsonNames(). See Details.


Timezones. To ensure that the sunrise/sunset times are calculated correctly relative to the time of the recording, we need to know the timezone of the date/time of the recording. If ARUs were calibrated with a specific timezone before going into the field, that can be specified by using, for example, aru_tz = "America/Toronto". If on the other hand each ARU was calibrated to whichever timezone was local when it was deployed use aru_tz = "local". The specific timezone will be calculated individually based on the longitude and latitude of each recording.


Data frame with metadata and added timezone of recording time (tz), and time to sunrise/sunset (t2sr, t2ss).


s <- clean_site_index(example_sites_clean,
  name_date = c("date_time_start", "date_time_end")
m <- clean_metadata(project_files = example_files) |>

ARUtools documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 1:07 a.m.