clean_site_index: Prepare and clean site index file

View source: R/clean_sites.R

clean_site_indexR Documentation

Prepare and clean site index file


A site index file contains information on when specific ARUs were deployed where. This function cleans a file (csv, xlsx) or data frame in preparation for adding these details to the output of clean_metadata(). It can be used to specify missing information according to date, such as GPS lon/lats and site ids.


  name_aru_id = "aru_id",
  name_site_id = "site_id",
  name_date_time = "date",
  name_coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
  name_extra = NULL,
  resolve_overlaps = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE



(Spatial) Data frame or file path. Site index data to clean. If file path, must be to a local csv or xlsx file.


Character. Name of the column that contains ARU ids. Default "aru_id".


Character. Name of the column that contains site ids. Default "site_id".


Character. Column name that contains dates or date/times. Can be vector of two names if there are both 'start' and 'end' columns. Can be NULL to ignore dates. Default "date".


Character. Column names that contain longitude and latitude (in that order). Ignored if site_index is spatial. Default c("longitude", "latitude")


Character. Column names for extra data to include. If a named vector, will rename the columns (see examples). Default NULL.


Logical. Whether or not to resolve date overlaps by shifting the start/end dates to noon (default TRUE). This assumes that ARUs are generally not deployed/removed at midnight (the official start/end of a day) and so noon is used as an approximation for when an ARU was deployed or removed. If possible, use specific deployment times to avoid this issue.


Logical. Whether to suppress progress messages and other non-essential updates.


Note that times are assumed to be in 'local' time and a timezone isn't used (and is removed if present, replaced with UTC). This allows sites from different timezones to be processed at the same time.


Standardized site index data frame


s <- clean_site_index(example_sites,
  name_aru_id = "ARU",
  name_site_id = "Sites",
  name_date_time = c("Date_set_out", "Date_removed"),
  name_coords = c("lon", "lat")

s <- clean_site_index(example_sites,
  name_aru_id = "ARU",
  name_site_id = "Sites",
  name_date_time = c("Date_set_out", "Date_removed"),
  name_coords = c("lon", "lat"),
  name_extra = c("plot" = "Plots")

# Without dates
eg <- dplyr::select(example_sites, -Date_set_out, -Date_removed)
s <- clean_site_index(eg,
  name_aru_id = "ARU",
  name_site_id = "Sites",
  name_date_time = NULL,
  name_coords = c("lon", "lat"),
  name_extra = c("plot" = "Plots")

ARUtools documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 1:07 a.m.