Ac3net.getDifferentLinks: Find the different links between the network lists.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References See Also Examples

View source: R/Ac3net.getDifferentLinks.R


Ac3net.getDifferentLinks takes two network list matrices and returns directional or undirectional different pairs between the two regarding the first two columns of the networks.


Ac3net.getDifferentLinks(net1,net2, directed=TRUE)



A matrix that represents the links between two variables at each row. Namely, the element at row i and column 1 and the element at row i and column 2 are assumed to be paired or linked. There is no connection assumed among rows.


A matrix that represents the links between two variables at each row. Namely, the element at row i and column 1 and the element at row i and column 2 are assumed to be paired or linked. There is no connection assumed among rows.


It is TRUE by default, which means there is directionality assumed from column 1 to column 2 at each matrices. if TRUE, then selects only the different links from A–>B with respect to net2. If it is FALSE, then the pairs assumed to be undirectional and all the dual pairs are considered as common and filtered. E.g. If there is A–B in net1 and B–A in net2 then they are considered as common and filtered out.


Ac3net.getDifferentLinks takes two network list matrices and based on the first two columns it makes comparison. If the argument directed is equal to TRUE, as in the default case, the it returns only directionally different pairs from column 1 to column 2 of the matrices. E.g. For a pair of A–>B in the first network, if there is also A–>B in the second network then it is taken as common and filtered out but the opposite direction B–>A is not counted. If the argument directed is equal to FALSE, then B–>A is also counted and filtered out as well for net1 with compared to net2.


Ac3net.getDifferentLinks returns a network matrix that correspond to the different pairs of net1 with compared to net2.


Gokmen Altay


G. Altay,"Directed Conservative Causal Core Gene Networks", bioRxiv, 2018. G. Altay, F. Emmert-Streib, "Inferring the conservative causal core of gene regulatory networks", BMC Systems Biology (2010) 4:132.

See Also

Ac3net.maxmim, Ac3net.cutoff,


# net1
# net2
# diffnet <- Ac3net.getDifferentLinks(net1,net2, directed=TRUE)

Ac3net documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:54 a.m.