
#' Dataset: Orange plants under different rootstocks
#' An experiment was conducted with the objective of studying the behavior
#' of nine rootstocks for the Valencia orange tree. The data set refers to
#' the 1973 evaluation (12 years old). The rootstocks are: T1: Tangerine Sunki;
#' T2: National rough lemon; T3: Florida rough lemon; T4: Cleopatra tangerine;
#' T5: Citranger-troyer; T6: Trifoliata; T7: Clove Tangerine; T8: Country orange;
#' T9: Clove Lemon. The number of fruits per plant was evaluated.
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(laranja)
#' @format data.frame containing data set
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{\code{f1}}{Categorical vector with treatments}
#'   \item{\code{bloco}}{Categorical vector with block}
#'   \item{\code{resp}}{Numeric vector with number of fruits per plant}
#'   }
#' @keywords datasets
#' @seealso \link{cloro}, \link{enxofre}, \link{mirtilo}, \link{pomegranate}, \link{porco}, \link{sensorial}, \link{simulate1}, \link{simulate2}, \link{simulate3}, \link{tomate}, \link{weather}, \link{phao}, \link{passiflora}, \link{aristolochia}
#' @references Planejamento e Analise Estatistica de Experimentos Agronomicos (2013) - Decio Barbin - pg. 72
#' @examples
#' data(laranja)

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