
#Test that the main function AnnotationBust is in fact working properly
#Run on one mitogenome which is missing ND5, which should return NA
#Run with duplicate genes and translated seqs
test_that("AnnotationBust Works",{
#load("sysdata.rda")#Manual output of all genes. Missing ND5 gene (misc_feature). Should be missing in real run.
#test with accession=JN628859.1

AnnotationBustOut <- structure(list(Species = "Pallidochromis_tokolosh", tRNA_Phe = "JN628859",
    rRNA_12S = "JN628859", tRNA_Val = "JN628859", rRNA_16S = "JN628859",
    ND1 = "JN628859", tRNA_Ile = "JN628859", tRNA_Gln = "JN628859",
    tRNA_Met = "JN628859", ND2 = "JN628859", tRNA_Trp = "JN628859",
    tRNA_Ala = "JN628859", tRNA_Asn = "JN628859", tRNA_Cys = "JN628859",
    tRNA_Tyr = "JN628859", COI = "JN628859", tRNA_Asp = "JN628859",
    COII = "JN628859", tRNA_Lys = "JN628859", ATP8 = "JN628859",
    ATP6 = "JN628859", COIII = "JN628859", tRNA_Gly = "JN628859",
    ND3 = "JN628859", tRNA_Arg = "JN628859", ND4L = "JN628859",
    ND4 = "JN628859", tRNA_His = "JN628859", ND5 = NA, ND6 = "JN628859",
    tRNA_Glu = "JN628859", CYTB = "JN628859", tRNA_Thr = "JN628859",
    tRNA_Pro = "JN628859", D_loop = "JN628859", tRNA_Ser1 = "JN628859",
    tRNA_Ser2 = "JN628859", tRNA_Leu1 = "JN628859", tRNA_Leu2 = "JN628859"), .Names = c("Species",
"tRNA_Phe", "rRNA_12S", "tRNA_Val", "rRNA_16S", "ND1", "tRNA_Ile",
"tRNA_Gln", "tRNA_Met", "ND2", "tRNA_Trp", "tRNA_Ala", "tRNA_Asn",
"tRNA_Cys", "tRNA_Tyr", "COI", "tRNA_Asp", "COII", "tRNA_Lys",
"ATP8", "ATP6", "COIII", "tRNA_Gly", "ND3", "tRNA_Arg", "ND4L",
"ND4", "tRNA_His", "ND5", "ND6", "tRNA_Glu", "CYTB", "tRNA_Thr",
"tRNA_Pro", "D_loop", "tRNA_Ser1", "tRNA_Ser2", "tRNA_Leu1",
"tRNA_Leu2"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -1L))
setwd (tempdir())
test.out<-try(AnnotationBust(Accessions = "JN628859.1", Terms = mtDNAterms, Duplicates = c("tRNA_Leu","tRNA_Ser"), DuplicateInstances = c(2,2), TranslateSeqs = TRUE, TranslateCode = 2))
if ("try-error"%in%class(test.out)) {
    skip("could not connect to remote database")

Try the AnnotationBustR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

AnnotationBustR documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 7:27 p.m.