Man pages for AntMAN
Anthology of Mixture Analysis Tools

AM_clusteringReturn the clustering matrix
AM_coclusteringReturn the co-clustering matrix
AM_demo_mvb_poiReturns an example of 'AM_mcmc_fit' output produced by the...
AM_demo_mvn_poiReturns an example of 'AM_mcmc_fit' output produced by the...
AM_demo_uvn_poiReturns an example of 'AM_mcmc_fit' output produced by the...
AM_demo_uvp_poiReturns an example of 'AM_mcmc_fit' output produced by the...
AM_emp_bayes_uninormcompute the hyperparameters of an Normal-Inverse-Gamma...
AM_extractExtract values within a 'AM_mcmc_output' object
AM_find_gamma_DeltaGiven that the prior on M is a dirac delta, find the gamma...
AM_find_gamma_NegBinGiven that the prior on M is a Negative Binomial, find the...
AM_find_gamma_PoisGiven that the prior on M is a shifted Poisson, find the...
AM_mcmc_configurationS3 class AM_mcmc_configuration
AM_mcmc_fitPerforms a Gibbs sampling
AM_mcmc_outputS3 class AM_mcmc_output
AM_mcmc_parametersMCMC Parameters
AM_mcmc_refitPerforms a Gibbs sampling reusing previous configuration
AM_mix_components_priorS3 class AM_mix_components_prior
AM_mix_components_prior_diracGenerate a configuration object that contains a Point mass...
AM_mix_components_prior_negbinGenerate a configuration object for a Shifted Negative...
AM_mix_components_prior_poisGenerate a configuration object for a Poisson prior on the...
AM_mix_hyperparamsS3 class AM_mix_hyperparams
AM_mix_hyperparams_multibermultivariate Bernoulli mixture hyperparameters (Latent Class...
AM_mix_hyperparams_multinormmultivariate Normal mixture hyperparameters
AM_mix_hyperparams_uninormunivariate Normal mixture hyperparameters
AM_mix_hyperparams_unipoisunivariate Poisson mixture hyperparameters
AM_mix_weights_priorS3 class AM_mix_weights_prior
AM_mix_weights_prior_gammaspecify a prior on the hyperparameter gamma for the Dirichlet...
AM_plot_chaincorPlot the Autocorrelation function
AM_plot_densityPlot the density of variables from 'AM_mcmc_output' object
AM_plot_mvb_cluster_frequencyVisualise the cluster frequency plot for the multivariate...
AM_plot_pairsPlot 'AM_mcmc_output' scatterplot matrix
AM_plot_pmfPlot the probability mass function of variables from...
AM_plot_similarity_matrixPlot the Similarity Matrix
AM_plot_tracesPlot traces of variables from an 'AM_mcmc_output' object
AM_plot_valuesPlot posterior interval estimates obtained from MCMC draws
AM_priorS3 class AM_prior
AM_prior_K_DeltaComputes the prior on the number of clusters
AM_prior_K_NegBincomputes the prior number of clusters
AM_prior_K_PoisComputes the prior number of clusters
AM_salsoSequentially Allocated Latent Structure Optimisation
AntMANAntMAN: A package for fitting finite Bayesian Mixture models...
brainTeen Brain Images from the National Institutes of Health,...
carcinomaCarcinoma dataset
galaxyGalaxy velocities dataset
IAM_compute_stirling_ricor_absCompute the logarithm of the absolute value of the...
IAM_compute_stirling_ricor_logCompute stirling ricor log
IAM_mcmc_errorInternal function used to compute the MCMC Error as a batch...
IAM_mcmc_neffIAM_mcmc_neff MCMC Parameters
IAM_VnkDeltaCompute the value V(n,k), needed to caclulate the eppf of a...
IAM_VnkNegBinCompute the value V(n,k), needed to caclulate the eppf of a...
IAM_VnkPoissonCompute the value V(n,k), needed to caclulate the eppf of a...
list_valuesInternal function that produces a string from a list of...
plot.AM_mcmc_outputplot AM_mcmc_output
plot.AM_priorplot AM_prior
saidUsage frequency of the word "said" in the Brown corpus
summary.AM_mcmc_configurationsummary information of the AM_mcmc_configuration object
summary.AM_mcmc_outputsummary information of the AM_mcmc_output object
summary.AM_mix_components_priorsummary information of the AM_mix_components_prior object
summary.AM_mix_hyperparamssummary information of the AM_mix_hyperparams object
summary.AM_mix_weights_priorsummary information of the AM_mix_weights_prior object
summary.AM_priorsummary information of the AM_prior object
AntMAN documentation built on July 23, 2021, 5:08 p.m.