
Defines functions combinationWithRandomEffect_Gauss

Documented in combinationWithRandomEffect_Gauss

#' Bayesian modeling for combining Gaussian dates with a random effect
#' @author Anne Philippe, Marie-Anne Vibet
#' @references
#' @examples
#' @export

combinationWithRandomEffect_Gauss <- function(M, s, refYear=NULL, studyPeriodMin, studyPeriodMax, 
                                   numberChains = 2, numberAdapt = 10000, numberUpdate = 10000, 
                                   variable.names = c('theta'), numberSample = 50000, thin = 10){
  # Checking inputs
  if(length(M)!=length(s)) stop("Vector of measurements and vector of errors should have the same length")
  if( !is.null(refYear) ){
    if(length(M)!=length(refYear)) stop("Vector of measurements and vector of refYear should have the same length")
  # Conversion in BC/AD format
  if (!is.null(refYear)){
    M = refYear - M
  # Data 
  s02 <- 1/mean(1/s^2)
  # Bayesian model
  model.file <- system.file(package="ArchaeoChron", "model", "combinationWithRandomEffect_Gauss.txt")
  jags <- jags.model(file =model.file, data = list('Nbobs' = N,'M' = M,'s'=s, 's02' = s02, 'ta'=studyPeriodMin,'tb'=studyPeriodMax),
                     n.chains = numberChains, n.adapt = numberAdapt)
  print('Update period')
  update(object = jags, n.iter = numberUpdate)
  print('Acquire period')
  MCMCSample = coda.samples(model = jags, variable.names = variable.names, n.iter = numberSample, thin =thin)

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ArchaeoChron documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:13 a.m.