View source: R/endomaker_dir.R
endomaker_dir | R Documentation |
Build library of endocasts from skull 3D meshes
endomaker_dir( dir_path, param1_endo = 1.5, npovs = 50, volume = TRUE, alpha_vol = 50, nVoxels = 1e+05, decmesh = 20000, alpha_ext = 30, ncells = 50000, npovs_calse = 50, param1_calse = 3, param1_ast = 1.3, decendo = 20000, scalendo = 0.5, alpha_end = 100, mpovdist = 10, plotall = FALSE, colmesh = "orange", save = FALSE, outpath = tempdir(), num.cores = NULL )
dir_path |
character: path of the folder where the skull meshes are stored |
param1_endo |
numeric vector: parameter for spherical flipping |
npovs |
numeric: number of Points of View used in the endocast construction |
volume |
logical: if TRUE the volume of the endocast (ECV) is estimated |
alpha_vol |
numeric: alpha shape for volume calculation |
nVoxels |
numeric: number of voxels for estimation endocranial volume |
decmesh |
numeric: decmesh |
alpha_ext |
numeric: alpha shape for construction external cranial mesh |
ncells |
numeric: approximative number of cell for 3D grid construction |
npovs_calse |
numeric: number of Points of View for construction of skull shell |
param1_calse |
numeric: parameter for calse (construction shell) |
param1_ast |
numeric: parameter for ast3d (construction row endocast) |
decendo |
numeric: desired number of triangles (row endocast) |
scalendo |
numeric: scale factor row endocast (for definition of POVs) |
alpha_end |
numeric: alpha shape value for concave hull (row endocast) |
mpovdist |
numeric vector: mean value between POVs and mesh |
plotall |
logical: if TRUE the endocasts are plotted |
colmesh |
character: color of the mesh to be plotted |
save |
logical: if TRUE the mesh of the endocast is saved |
outpath |
character: path where save the endocast |
num.cores |
numeric: number of cores to be used in parallel elaboration |
endocasts mesh3d: list of meshes of the extracted endocasts
volumes numeric: volumes of the endocasts expressed in cc
Antonio Profico, Costantino Buzi, Marina Melchionna, Paolo Piras, Pasquale Raia, Alessio Veneziano
Profico, A., Buzi, C., Melchionna, M., Veneziano, A., & Raia, P. (2020). Endomaker, a new algorithm for fully automatic extraction of cranial endocasts and the calculation of their volumes. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
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