clean_pts: The identified peripheral and joint 3D positions.

clean_ptsR Documentation

The identified peripheral and joint 3D positions.


A dataset containing the identified peripheral and joint 3D positions for a pigeon BirdID = 20_0300, TestID = 20_03004, FrameID = 317




A matrix with 10 rows and 3 columns. Columns represent x, y, and z coordinate respectively:

pt1x, pt1y, pt1z

Point on the shoulder joint (m).

pt2x, pt1y, pt2z

Point on the elbow joint (m).

pt3x, pt3y, pt3z

Point on the wrist joint (m).

pt4x, pt4y, pt4z

Point on the end of carpometacarpus (m).

pt6x, pt6y, pt6z

Point on the leading edge of the wing in front of the wrist joint (m).

pt8x, pt8y, pt8z

Point on tip of most distal primary (m).

pt9x, pt9y, pt9z

Point on the tip of the last primary to model as if it is on the end of the carpometacarpus (m).

pt10x, pt10y, pt10z

Point on tip of last primary to model as if it was distributed along the carpometacarpus (m).

pt11x, pt11y, pt11z

Point on tip of most proximal feather (m).

pt12x, pt12y, pt12z

Point on exterior shoulder position (wing root leading edge) (m).

AvInertia documentation built on March 24, 2022, 5:07 p.m.