parallelaxis: Parallel axis theory

View source: R/mathematicalfunctions.R

parallelaxisR Documentation

Parallel axis theory


Reads in an initial tensor and an offset to compute the transformed tensor. Will be in the same frame of reference as the input tensor.


parallelaxis(I, offset_vec, m, cg_a)



a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor about the center of gravity of the object (kg-m^2).


a 1x3 vector representing the distance (x,y,z) between the objects CG and the arbitrary pt A (m). Vector should always point from the CG to the arbitrary point A.


Mass of the object (kg).


If input I is about the CG enter "CG" or if I is about an arbitrary axis enter "A".


a 3x3 matrix representing the transformed moment of inertia tensor after a solid body translation defined by the offset vector.


Christina Harvey


# refer to the vignette

# load data
data(dat_id_curr, package = "AvInertia")
data(dat_bird_curr, package = "AvInertia")
data(dat_feat_curr, package = "AvInertia")
data(dat_bone_curr, package = "AvInertia")
data(dat_mat, package = "AvInertia")
data(clean_pts, package = "AvInertia")

# 1. Determine the center of gravity of the bird's torso (including the legs)
dat_torsotail_out = massprop_restbody(dat_id_curr, dat_bird_curr)
# 2. Calculate the inertia of the flight feathers about the tip of the calamus
feather_inertia <- compute_feat_inertia(dat_mat, dat_feat_curr, dat_bird_curr)
# 3. Determine the center of gravity of one of the bird's wings
dat_wing_out      = massprop_birdwing(dat_id_curr, dat_bird_curr,
dat_bone_curr, dat_feat_curr, dat_mat, clean_pts,
feather_inertia, plot_var = 0)
# Visualize the center of gravity of each wing component in the x and y axis
dat_wing_out      = massprop_birdwing(dat_id_curr, dat_bird_curr,
dat_bone_curr, dat_feat_curr, dat_mat, clean_pts,
feather_inertia, plot_var = "yx")
# or the y and z axis
dat_wing_out      = massprop_birdwing(dat_id_curr, dat_bird_curr,
dat_bone_curr, dat_feat_curr, dat_mat, clean_pts,
feather_inertia, plot_var = "yz")
# 4. Combine all data and obtain the center of gravity, moment of inertia
# and principal axes of the bird
curr_full_bird      = combine_inertialprop(dat_torsotail_out,dat_wing_out,
dat_wing_out, dat_id_curr, dat_bird_curr, symmetric=TRUE)

AvInertia documentation built on March 24, 2022, 5:07 p.m.