
Defines functions parallelaxis calc_rot calc_univec rotx kronecker_delta

Documented in calc_rot calc_univec kronecker_delta parallelaxis rotx

# Script containing all basic mathematical functions

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------- Kronecker-delta function ------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Kroneckerdelta function
#' @param i  a scalar index (usually row of a matrix)
#' @param j  a scalar index (usually column of a matrix)
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return a scalar value. Returns 1 if i and j are equal otherwise returns 0
#' @examples
#' library(AvInertia)
#' # should return 1
#' kronecker_delta(1,1)
#' # should return 0
#' kronecker_delta(0,1)
#' @export
kronecker_delta <- function(i,j){

  if (i == j) {
  else {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------- Rotation about the x axis -----------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' A 3x3 rotation matrix allowing rotation about the x-axis.
#' Constructed using a cosine rotation matrix where the rotation angle in
#' degrees is measured counterclockwise allowing positive rotation under
#' the right hand rule.
#' @param angle a scalar representing the angle to rotate (degrees)
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return a 3x3 matrix representing the rotation about the x-axis by the
#' given angle
#' @examples
#' library(AvInertia)
#' angle = 90
#' # should return matrix [[1,0,0];[0,0,1];[0,1,0]]
#' rotx(angle)
#' @export

rotx <- function(angle){
  R = matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
  R[1,1] = 1
  R[2,2] = pracma::cosd(angle)
  R[3,3] = pracma::cosd(angle)
  R[3,2] = pracma::sind(angle)
  R[2,3] = -pracma::sind(angle)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------ Calculate a unit vector -----------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Determine the unit vector of any input vector
#' @param vector any vector or array with only one dimension
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return the unit vector in the size of the input vector
#' @examples
#'  library(AvInertia)
#'  #any random input vector
#'  vector = c(1,2,3)
#'  output_vec = calc_univec(vector)
#'  # if unit vector the magnitude should = 1
#'  pracma::Norm(output_vec)
#' @export

calc_univec <- function(vector){
  unit_vector = vector/pracma::Norm(vector)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------- Calculate a rotation matrices -------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' A 3x3 rotation matrix constructed by projecting the new axes onto the
#' original system. Likely results in rotation about all axes.
#' @param z_vector a 1x3 vector representing the direction for the desired z
#' axis of the new frame of reference. Frame of reference: VRP
#' @param x_vector a 1x3 vector representing the direction for the desired x
#' axis of the new frame of reference. Frame of reference: VRP
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return a 3x3 matrix representing the rotation matrix that transforms between
#' VRP frame and object frame
#' @examples
#' library(AvInertia)
#' z_vector = c(0,0,1)
#' x_vector = c(-1,0,0)
#' # should return matrix [[-1,0,0];[0,-1,0];[0,0,1]]
#' calc_rot(z_vector, x_vector)
#' @export
calc_rot <- function(z_vector, x_vector){

  #CAUTION: incoming vectors must be in the structural frame at the VRP
  #         x and z vectors must already be orthogonal axes

  # ensure vectors are in unit form
  unit_z_vector = calc_univec(z_vector)
  unit_x_vector = calc_univec(x_vector)

  # cross z with x to get the right-handed axis - verified
  y_vector = pracma::cross(unit_z_vector,unit_x_vector)
  # ensure vectors are in unit form
  unit_y_vector = calc_univec(y_vector)

  # rotation matrix representing the rotated basis
  VRP2object = rbind(unit_x_vector,unit_y_vector,unit_z_vector)
  # strip row names

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------- Parallel axis theorem  -----------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Parallel axis theory
#' Reads in an initial tensor and an offset to compute the transformed tensor.
#' Will be in the same frame of reference as the input tensor.
#' @param I a 3x3 matrix representing the moment of inertia tensor about the
#' center of gravity of the object (kg-m^2).
#' @param offset_vec a 1x3 vector representing the distance (x,y,z) between
#' the objects CG and the arbitrary pt A (m).
#' Vector should always point from the CG to the arbitrary point A.
#' @param m Mass of the object (kg).
#' @param cg_a If input I is about the CG enter "CG" or if I is about an
#' arbitrary axis enter "A".
#' @author Christina Harvey
#' @return a 3x3 matrix representing the transformed moment of inertia tensor
#' after a solid body translation defined by the offset vector.
#' @inherit combine_inertialprop examples
#' @export

parallelaxis <- function(I, offset_vec, m, cg_a){

  # CAUTION: the parallel axis theorem only works if the I_CG is given about
  #          the object's centroidal axis

  I_new = matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = 3) # predefine matrix

  if(cg_a == "CG"){
    sign = 1

  if(cg_a == "A"){
    sign = -1

  for (i in 1:3){
    for (j in 1:3){
      I_new[i,j] = I[i,j] +
        sign*m*((kronecker_delta(i,j)*pracma::dot(offset_vec,offset_vec)) -

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AvInertia documentation built on March 24, 2022, 5:07 p.m.