runLossDevModel-comma-LossDevModelInput-dash-method: A method to run models in BALD.

Description Arguments Details Value See Also


A method to run models in BALD.



The object of type LossDevModelInput containing the model to estimate.


An integer to represent the number of initial MCMC iterations to be discarded. (The adaptive phase (nAddapt) is not considered part of burnIn.)


An integer to represent the number of MCMC iterations to execute following the burnIn. (Actual number of iterations kept approximately sampleSize / thin.)


Keep every thin'th value of sampleSize.


The number of MCMC chains to run.


The length of the adaptive phase for the MCMC algorithm. (Default is trunc(burnIn/4)+1.)


This method returns a valid output object or flags an error. This method is suitable for classes properly derived from class LossDevModelInput that properly override “getJagsData” and “getJagsInits” and whose output type has a valid getModelOutputNodes method.

BALD sets the seed in each chain from a random number generated inside of R. So to make a run reproducible, all one must do is set the seed (using set.seed) in R prior to the execution of this method.


An object of class LossDevModelOutput.

See Also

runLossDevModel set.seed

BALD documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:51 a.m.