Man pages for BALD
Robust Loss Development Using MCMC

accountForZeroPaymentsA function to take a triangle estimated without considering...
AnnualAggLossDevModelInput-dash-classThe base class for all aggregate models.
AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-classThe base output class for all aggregate annual models.
AnnualAggLossDevModelOutputWithZeros-dash-classThe parent of StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelOutputWithZeros...
autoregressiveParameterA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
autoregressiveParameter-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
BALDA package for robust stochastic loss development.
BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelInput-dash-classThe final input class for models with a break.
BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-classThe final output class for all standard aggregate annual...
BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelOutputWithZeros-dash-classThe class to handle incremental payments of zero for the...
calculateProbOfPaymentA function to calculate an empirical vector of the...
calendarYearEffectA generic function to plot and/or return the predicted and...
calendarYearEffectAutoregressiveParameterA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
calendarYearEffectAutoregressiveParameter-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
calendarYearEffect-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return predicted and forecast...
calendarYearEffectErrorsA generic function to plot and/or return predicted and...
calendarYearEffectErrors-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return predicted and forecast...
calendarYearEffectErrorTracePlotA generic function to generate the trace plots for select...
calendarYearEffectErrorTracePlot-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to generate the trace plots for select calendar year...
consumptionPathA generic function to plot and/or return the estimated...
consumptionPath-comma-BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the estimated consumption path...
consumptionPath-comma-StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the estimated consumption path...
consumptionPathTracePlotA generic function to generate the trace plots for select...
consumptionPathTracePlot-comma-BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to generate the trace plots for select consumption...
consumptionPathTracePlot-comma-StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to generate the trace plots for select consumption...
CPIConsumer price index (CPI-U) for the United States.
cumulateA function to cumulate a triangle.
CumulativeAutoBodilyInjuryTriangleAn and example of a cumulative loss triangle.
decumulateA function to decumulate a triangle.
degreesOfFreedomA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
degreesOfFreedom-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the degrees...
dot-dash-onLoad-dash-lossDevIntialize the Namespace.
estimate-dot-priorsA function to estimate priors for the gompertz curve.
exposureGrowthA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior...
exposureGrowthAutoregressiveParameterA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
exposureGrowthAutoregressiveParameter-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
exposureGrowth-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior predicted...
exposureGrowthTracePlotA generic function to generate the trace plots for select...
exposureGrowthTracePlot-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to generate the trace plots for select exposure...
finalCumulativeDiffA generic function to plot and/or return the difference...
finalCumulativeDiff-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the difference between final...
finalCumulativeDiff-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutputWithZeros-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the difference between final...
firstYearInNewRegimeA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior change...
firstYearInNewRegime-comma-BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior change point.
firstYearInNewRegimeTracePlotA generic function to generate the trace plot for the...
firstYearInNewRegimeTracePlot-comma-BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to generate the trace plot for the posterior change...
get-dot-colorA function to get color values.
getExposureYearLabelA function to return a "nice" character string for the...
getJagsDataA method to retrieve data for a JAGS model.
getJagsData-comma-AnnualLossDevModelInput-dash-methodA method to create all the needed JAGS input common to both...
getJagsData-comma-BreakAnnualLossDevModelInput-dash-methodA method to collect all the needed model input specific to...
getJagsData-comma-StandardAnnualLossDevModelInput-dash-methodA method to collect all the needed model input specific to...
getJagsInitsA method to retrieve initial values for a JAGS model.
getJagsInits-comma-AnnualLossDevModelInput-dash-methodA method to collect all the needed initial values common to...
getJagsInits-comma-BreakAnnualLossDevModelInput-dash-methodA method to collect all the needed model initial values...
getJagsInits-comma-StandardAnnualLossDevModelInput-dash-methodA method to collect all the needed initial values unique to...
getModelOutputNodesA method to determine which JAGS nodes the output object is...
getModelOutputNodes-comma-LossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to determine which JAGS nodes the output object is...
getNonMissingIndexesA function to return the index non-missing values of a 2d...
getPaymentNoPaymentMatrixA function to turn a matrix of incremental payments into zero...
getTriDimA generic function to get the dimension of the observed...
getTriDim-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelInput-dash-methodA method to get the dimension of the observed triangle.
gompertzThe gompertz function.
gompertzParametersA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
gompertzParameters-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutputWithZeros-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
HPCEHealth Care price index for the United States.
IncrementalGeneralLiablityTriangleAn and example of an incremental incurred loss triangle.
lossDevelopmentFactorsA generic function to plot and/or return a table of predicted...
lossDevelopmentFactors-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return a table of predicted...
LossDevModelInput-dash-classThe base input class for all models in BALD.
LossDevModelOutput-dash-classThe base output class for all models in BALD.
lossDevOptionsOptions for BALD.
makeBreakAnnualInputCreate an Object of class BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelInput.
makeStandardAnnualInputCreate an Object of class StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelInput.
mcmcACFA generic function to plot autocorrelations found in the MCMC...
mcmcACF-comma-BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot autocorrelations found in the MCMC samples...
mcmcACF-comma-StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot autocorrelations found in the MCMC samples...
MCPIMedical Care price index for the United States.
meanExposureGrowthA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
meanExposureGrowth-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the mean...
mutableStateThe Packages Mutable State.
myLibPathInstallation Library of the Package.
myPkgNameCurrent Name of the Package.
newNodeOutputA method to construct new object of type NodeOutput.
NodeOutput-dash-classA class to hold JAGS output.
numberOfKnotsA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior number...
numberOfKnots-comma-BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior number of knots.
numberOfKnots-comma-StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior number of knots.
PCEPersonal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) for the United States.
plot-dot-density-dot-and-dot-or-dot-traceA rather generic function to plot diagnostics for a single...
plot-dot-top-dot-bottomA function to plot a top and bottom graph on the same chart.
plot-dot-top-dot-middle-dot-bottomA function to plot a top, middle, and bottom graph on the...
plot-dot-trace-dot-plotsA rather generic function to plot (multiple) trace plots in...
predictedPaymentsA generic function to plot predicted vs actual payments for...
predictedPayments-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot predicted vs actual payments for models from...
predictedPayments-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutputWithZeros-dash-methodA method to plot predicted vs actual payments for models from...
probablityOfPaymentA generic function to plot the probability of a payment.
probablityOfPayment-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutputWithZeros-dash-methodA method to plot the probability of a payment.
QQPlotA generic function to plot a Q-Q plot for models in the BALD...
QQPlot-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot a Q-Q plot for models in the BALD package.
rateOfDecayA generic function to plot and/or return the esimtated rate...
rateOfDecay-comma-BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the esimtated rate of decay vs...
rateOfDecay-comma-StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the esimtated rate of decay vs...
rateOfDecayTracePlotA generic function to plot the trace plots for select rate of...
rateOfDecayTracePlot-comma-BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to generate the trace plots for select rate of decay...
rateOfDecayTracePlot-comma-StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to generate the trace plots for select rate of decay...
runLossDevModelA generic function to run models in BALD.
runLossDevModel-comma-LossDevModelInput-dash-methodA method to run models in BALD.
scaleParameterA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
scaleParameter-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the scale...
setGenericVerifA Safe Version of setGeneric.
skewnessParameterA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
skewnessParameter-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the skewness...
slot-comma-NodeOutput-comma-character-dash-methodA method to override the behavoir of the function slot.
StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelInput-dash-classThe final input class for models without a break.
StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-classThe final output class for all standard aggregate annual...
StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelOutputWithZeros-dash-classThe class to handle incremental payments of zero for the...
standardDeviationForScaleInnovationA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
standardDeviationForScaleInnovation-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the standard...
standardDeviationOfCalendarYearEffectA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
standardDeviationOfCalendarYearEffect-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the standard...
standardDeviationOfExposureGrowthA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
standardDeviationOfExposureGrowth-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the standard...
standardDeviationVsDevelopmentTimeA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior...
standardDeviationVsDevelopmentTime-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior estimated...
stochasticInflationA generic function to plot and/or return predicted and...
stochasticInflation-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return predicted and forecast...
stochasticInflationRhoParameterA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
stochasticInflationRhoParameter-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
stochasticInflationStationaryMeanA generic function to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
stochasticInflationStationaryMean-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the posterior of the...
tailFactorA generic function to plot and/or return the predicted tail...
tailFactor-comma-BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the predicted tail factors for...
tailFactor-comma-BreakAnnualAggLossDevModelOutputWithZeros-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the predicted tail factors for...
tailFactor-comma-StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the predicted tail factors for...
tailFactor-comma-StandardAnnualAggLossDevModelOutputWithZeros-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return the predicted tail factors for...
triResiA generic function to plot and/or return residuals for models...
triResi-comma-AnnualAggLossDevModelOutput-dash-methodA method to plot and/or return residuals for models in the...
BALD documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:51 a.m.